
What You Want to Know About Electric Car

By Yuna Wu


Last Friday, Mr. Jiang from Gogoro came to our class and gave a speech. He talked about electric cars and a lot of things about Gogoro, and some interesting things. Today's article will have a few key points: first, electric cars have been around for 100 years; second, electric cars are better than gasoline cars, so why don't people buy them; and third, Gogoro wants people to replace gasoline cars with electric cars.

When Mr. Jiang came, he mentioned that electric cars actually existed 100 years ago. At that time, electric cars were very popular, but later on, they fell out of fashion. After the electric car fell out of favor, gasoline cars became popular. Now electric cars are on fire again. I think the reason electric cars are back is that people are realizing that gasoline cars are bad for the environment. On the contrary, electric cars are better for the environment and smarter than gasoline cars. So in this relatively high-tech era, electric cars are naturally popular again.

So why don't people buy electric cars when they are so much better than gasoline cars? It's because people now know that electric cars are more expensive than regular gasoline cars, and there aren't many places to charge them. But I think we can look at how much we are polluting the environment by driving a gasoline car, and how much money we are spending to fill up our gasoline cars. If you put the money you spent in recent years on gasoline cars, it must be very expensive. But if we buy an electric car, not only do we save money on gasoline, we also reduce the pollution to the environment.

Gogoro wants people to replace gasoline cars with electric cars, and Gogoro wants to do this by making electric motorcycles instead of regular gasoline motorcycles. This is because driving a motorcycle is relatively more harmful to the environment than an electric motorcycle.

If the gasoline car had not appeared 100 years ago, and the electric car had not fallen into disrepair but had been prevalent, our current environment would be better If we start developing electric cars now and don't let them fall out of fashion again, our environment might not be deteriorating so badly.






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:27
  • by yuna.wu