
Plastic bag can talk!!!

Made by Zoey Lin


Review of City of Lost Things is a film from Taiwan, the review of City of Lost Things is mainly talking about garbage and garbage return.

Review of City of Lost Things is talking about a protagonist and a plastic bag, the main character's name is a small tree, plastic bag called a bag. Little tree He hates home, hates school, and hates the street. In a quarrel, he accidentally encountered a bag that was almost sucked away by an armored car, and the bag thanked the little tree very much because the little tree saved him, Then they became friends. A bag change with small trees to go to his home to play, Ada's friends have given him a photo before, Ade also very much hope that he can one day be in the photo place because heard that there can make them more beautiful and more useful, they encountered a lot of iron armored cars on the way, The iron armor car let the small bag of many friends died, but the bag still did not give up, he tried many times, and finally did not pull out the abandoned city where she lived, because on the way always encountered the iron armor car to destroy his friend, and then they rely on the help of small trees, successfully went to their dream place.

I think the biggest drawback of the movie right now is that he doesn't tell us exactly what happened at the beginning, he just says he hates school and hates the street but he doesn't tell us a complete reason. And the most let me the question is why the iron armor car can people and all the garbage suck in, garbage should not be classified? Another of the film's most special places, Abaao, said he went to the photo to get a new look more beautiful, the result of his red and white plastic bags into flower plastic bags.

Before I saw the film, I was very much looking forward to it because his trailer looked very interesting because it was the first time I had seen a movie about garbage and garbage collection, and I really wanted to learn a lot about garbage and garbage collection from it, and I was left with nothing after watching it.






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  • zoey-a_review_of_city_of_lost_things.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 23:18
  • by zoey.lin