
Fashion can be a kind of pollution

Made by Zoey Lin


Today a teacher name Mr.Chen came to our classroom, he is an environmentalist, he will use people's discarded waste bottles recycling, he also has to work with Nike to create environmentally friendly and beautiful things, today he came to teach us a recycling course.

Their team, who invented an eco-friendly wood, was made of plastic box cloth, which is better than ordinary synthetic wood, which can be waterproof or not burst. Their wood contains harder wood than the average synthetic wood They are now testing whether the wood would corrode if it were placed on a building near the sea.

Chen said that taiwan's old clothes recycling a lot, of which the largest amount of old clothes recycling, as many as 200 million pieces, on average I lost 438 pieces of clothing (7,311 metric tons) in minutes, and because we wanted to keep up with the fashion and bought a lot of clothes, we lost more The more clothes come, some of the clothes that aren't bad will be taken to Africa, while others will be sorted and crushed, and Chen will use them to recycle new things, like wood.

Mr. Chen also uses other trash to make different things, like cup cushions made from McDonald's straws, and uses recycled items to make things like clothes, pants, coats, shoes, exercises, school bags… wait. I think even though they've made a lot of our trash into a lot of what we need, I still think we should reduce the amount of garbage we use because it's still possible to destroy the planet when we make these things


今天有一位名叫Mr.chen 的老師來到我們的教室,他是一個環保人士,他會用人們丟棄的廢物瓶回收再利用,他也有跟Nike一起合作,創造出環保又好看的東西,今天他來教我們一堂回收再利用的課程。

他們的團隊,發明出一個環保的木頭,是利用塑膠盒布所組成的,這些木頭比一般的合成的木頭還要好,環保木頭可以防水,也可以不會爆開。 他們的木頭含比一般合成的木頭還要硬 他們現在在測試如果如果把這個木頭放在海邊附近的建築物上會不會腐蝕。

Chen 老師說全台灣舊衣回收的量很多,其中H&M 的舊衣回收量最多,多達2億多件,平均每 分鐘丟掉438件衣物(7萬311公噸),因為我們想要跟流行因此買了很多衣服,所以丟掉的也越 來越多,有些衣服沒壞的衣服會被拿去非洲,而其他的衣服會被分類之後粉碎,Chen 老師利用這些衣服再次回收作出新的東西,像是木頭。

Chen 老師也利用了其他的垃圾做出不同的東西,像是用麥當勞的吸管做出的杯墊,合用一些回收的東西做出像是衣服、褲子、外套、鞋子、拉練、書包………等。


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  • zoey-writing_about_mark_s_recycling_presentation.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 05:21
  • by zoey.lin