
A New Way to Make Money

By Yuna Wu


We recently went to Hard-Off, the largest second-hand store in Japan, which is a place where people can sell unwanted things for money and then Hard-Off will sanitize what you sell them and turn it into something new that will provide value to the next owner.

On this trip to Hard-Off, I sold my unwanted stuff for some money. When I went there, I sold my cell phone case, shoes and a doll that I would not use again. While waiting for the number to be called, I went to Hard-Off, where there were many cute dolls and musical instruments. I wanted to buy a doll there, but my mom wouldn't give it to me, so I didn't buy it.

During the trip to Hard-Off, my mom went with me. Because we were there to sell things that I did not want. Mom saw it and said to me, “You can bring your unwanted clothes to sell here, and unwanted dolls.” Mom thought that if we had anything we didn't want in the future, we could come here to buy it. My mother has since found a way to make money.

I think Hard-Off is a good company, Hard-Off is a recycling concept to make money. In fact, this way is quite good for society. It is another way to be environmentally friendly, that is, people can take unwanted things to sell to make money. It's good to clean up what people sell at Hard-Off and sell it again to create new value.

I think this way to environmental protection is very good. It's really smart to use this kind of circular economy to protect the environment. I think we can go to sell the unwanted things and then make money is not bad, we can really use this way to environmental protection. The circular economy is a way of environmental protection that everyone can participate in.


在這次去Hard-Off的旅途中,我把我不要的東西拿去賣換到了一些錢。去那邊的時候我把我不會再用到的手機殼,鞋子還有一隻娃娃拿去賣了。等待叫號的過程中,我逛了Hard-Off, 那邊有很多可愛的娃娃還有樂器等等。在那裡我本來想要買娃娃的,但是媽媽不給買所以就沒買了。




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  • yuna-wu-writing-about-the-circular-economy.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:26
  • by yuna.wu