
What is "Value" and "Things"

Today, let's talk about the new thoughts and changes I've made to the value of trash during the past few months of study. We will talk about at the beginning what I thought about the trash. After I listen to the speakers and teacher's speech, I change my mind. Then I have a new idea about trash.

In the beginning, I thought trash was trash. Trash is something that we don't want anymore, that we throw away and then incinerate. After we throw away the trash, it no longer has value. For example, plastic bags. We use plastic bags to put things in, and when we throw them away, they are useless.

Then I changed my mind. The teacher taught a lot of lessons about environmental protection and value this semester. The teacher also invited many speakers to speak. Many of them were about creating something new out of garbage.

After listening to the teacher and the speakers, I had a new idea about trash. Trash is not just trash. Of course, if you don't use it in the right way and just throw it in the trash, it's still useless trash. If we recycle garbage, it has the opportunity to become something new and useful, creating new value. For example, the plastic bag I just mentioned. If you recycle it properly in the recycling bin. Then the plastic bag can be recycled into a piece of clothing, or a pair of shoes, or something like that.

So in fact, everything has value, including garbage. As long as you use it correctly, anything will become valuable. So we should properly sort garbage to let garbage have value too. So let properly sort garbage together!






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  • yuna-wu-thoughts-on-value-and-the-meaning-of-things.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:27
  • by yuna.wu