
Should the Natural Gas Receiving Terminal be Built Near Tai Tam Algae Reef

By Yuna Wu


Today, we will talk about algal reefs. On December 18, there will be a referendum on the Tai Tam Algae Reef. For this, I would like to talk about my thoughts on the reef. The issue of algae reefs is very broad, so let's talk about climate change today!

As for why let me tell you what I think! The reason why I think the reef should stay here is that it is very precious. Algae reefs have the function of carbon sequestration, which can slow down global warming.

Algae reefs have the function of carbon sequestration, which can slow down global warming.

Nowadays, we all feel that the phenomenon of global warming now we is all worried about the phenomenon of global warming. Now the world is thinking of ways to reduce global warming, but algae reefs can reduce global warming because it has the function of carbon sequestration. This is a good thing that can help reduce global warming. If the government destroys algae reefs, it will reduce the opportunity to reduce global warming, which is not good for the earth.

Why is the algal reef, which is also a valuable coral species, not protected while other corals are protected? Algae reefs are just as precious as corals, they are not beautiful but they can reduce global warming. Algal reefs, which are also coral reefs, should be protected as well.

Therefore, I think the government should not put the natural gas receiving station in the area of Tai Tam Algae Reef. If you read my article and agree with me, please vote for Tai Tam Reef when the referendum is held on December 18.






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  • yuna-wu-the-referendum.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:28
  • by yuna.wu