
Things that I Learned from the Da Guang Toy Design Process

By Yuna Wu


Just a few days ago, I finished the toys I made for my children at Daguang Elementary School and sent them to Daguang's children. The toys I made have good and bad points. And I have some solutions to my shortcomings, so let me tell you about them in this article!

I think my toys are actually doing quite well. The direction of the toy is cute, the color is also according to the child's favorite to do. My toys are not ugly, you can see what animals. Of course, if you can not see it would be too bad.

Of course, I also have a shortage of places to do, such as my phone and color. My phone is the most unstable part of my doll. To be honest, I was quite worried that the handset would break off from the doll's hand. Although the color is according to the child wants to go, but because they are hand coloring and painting, so some places may have the color of other places. I also try to adjust the color as much as possible with the child's desired color, but still can not be exactly the same as the real color she wants. I hope she won't mind too much.

I have thought of some solutions to the areas I think I have not done enough. The phone problem I tried to make the phone thicker so that the phone is not so easy to break, and then the phone to the doll's hand stuck into a little so that the phone is not so easy to get out of the toy's hand. Coloring, I have thought about getting help from teachers, but there may not be a way to the exact same.

Do this toy I spent a lot of thought and time. Although my toy does not look so great, and also has some shortcomings. But I also try to make the little girl I work with satisfied and happy when she receives this Christmas gift. Anyway, I hope she will be satisfied with this Christmas gift!






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:29
  • by yuna.wu