
Me and My Everyday Environment

Every day when I come home from school, I feel a lot of dust when I walk to the entrance of the school. There is construction work going on there. The school is renovating the playground.

The school is under construction, and I believe that although it is ugly now, it will be beautiful again when the construction is finished. But the school is under construction and the dust from the construction is floating in the air, and then we inhale the air which is not very good for our health. Like me, I am allergic and my allergy will get worse when I inhale the dust. Every time I walk to that side my nose will be uncomfortable. I hope we can reduce construction. It doesn't matter if it's for myself or the environment.

There was also a building under construction on the way to the MRT. This building was beautiful after the construction. I guess this building is a building for people to use as a place to live. But because they were working on it, I used to sneeze every time I went to the MRT station because of the dust, even though I was wearing a mask. The dust also gets into my eyes and is very uncomfortable.

When I go to the MRT station, there are often cars passing by on the road next to it. Emissions from cars are also bad for the air. Although the car makes our life very convenient, but the emissions float into the sky. Then the original blue sky will become unattractive. I think we should perhaps reduce the frequency of car use.

I hope some people who can afford it can see if there are any effective ways to protect the environment. Maybe we can do it in our own way, such as using less plastic, using less electricity, not littering, sorting garbage properly, or reducing construction. The next time we go to a beverage store to buy a drink, we can bring our own green straws instead of using their plastic ones. We can also bring our own eco-friendly bags when we go shopping at the mall to reduce the use of plastic. Let's protect the environment together!






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  • yuna-wu-mr-cheng-request-to-think-about-the-environment.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:25
  • by yuna.wu