
The Kind of Toy that Second Graders Like

By Yuna Wu


We had a video with the 2nd graders a few days ago. From the video I learned about some of their preferences and what toys they wanted. After that I had some ideas in my mind about what toys to make for them.

First of all, I think the toy can not be too scary, if the children see the scary toys and become afraid of the words, they will not play. If they do not play with the toys we make, then it is meaningless to make toys for them. So I think not too scary.

Second, I think the toy should be an animal. But not just an ordinary animal, for example, some of them like cats, some like dogs, some like rabbits, etc.. We can use so that the toy has a rabbit's head and body and a cat's tail and the like.

Third, I think it can not just a doll. Because if it is just an ordinary doll, the children may not play it too often. We can design many of them, and then design some balls. These balls can be their favorite cartoon theme of the ball. For example, the Pokemon Elf ball, the seven dragon balls. Then those balls as bowling balls so that they have bowling balls to knock down those dolls. This way I think they will like.

I think my opinion can be referred to, because there are playable toys children will be happy to play. So that the toy is made meaningful.






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  • yuna-wu-design-proposal-to-support-your-design-idea-for-toy-for-second-graders.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:24
  • by yuna.wu