
A Movie You Definitely don't Want to Watch

By Yuna Wu


A few days ago, the teachers took us to see a movie, “Abandoned City”. Abandoned City“ is a movie about garbage and recycling.

The movie “Abandoned City” was produced by Yi Zhiyan. “Abandoned City” is a movie about garbage. The main character of the movie, Xiao Shu, is a 16 year old teenager. He hates the world, he hates home, he hates school, and he hates the streets. He feels that he is a trash that no one wants. An accident leads him to Baggy, a red and white plastic bag. Baggy is the other main character of this movie. He lives in an abandoned city. There is a legend in their clan that if they defeat the armored car and go to the legendary place, the recycling station near Taipei 101 will no longer be unwanted garbage. If you go to that legendary place, you can become beautiful, useful and strong. Baggy has always dreamed of taking his people to that legendary place. Baggy often go to the ironclad car's territory to raid, but every time failed, but also a lot of dead plastic bags. So he hopes to use the power of small trees to help their people to go there. But I did not expect, but the little tree wants to stay in the abandoned city, do not want to leave. Not only did Little Tree not help Baggy, but he betrayed them. The little tree secretly to the city god, and iron armor car. But in the end, the little tree still helped the baggy they went to the legendary recycling station. Baggy also went to the legendary recycling plant as he wished.

The idea of the movie “Abandoned City” is not bad, but the feeling presented still needs to be changed. First of all, I think the lighting of this movie is actually not very good. Because sometimes in one scene its lights will be darker, and then the next scene suddenly the lights are very bright and flashing. This will actually make the audience's eyes very uncomfortable when watching. At least I think my eyes feel very comfortable when watching. There is also the look of the Baggy. Because Baggy does not have a face, so every time I see Baggy I do not know whether I see his front or back. The last is the yellow spray paint lady. In one of the movie scenes, her spray paint cover fell off. But then I don't know why the lid came back. I'm not quite sure why.

For the three small problems I just raised, I have some suggestions. Is the first point, the issue of lighting, I think in front of the scene is very dark when the next scene lights can also be dimmed some, that is, do not light a very dark, and then very bright. The second point, the front and back of the Baggy. I think you can give the baggy can draw a face, because the baggy front and back to grow the same, it is difficult to distinguish him from the front or the reverse. The third point, the cover of the spray paint lady. I think the director should show how the spray cap came back in the movie. Because I saw the cover back when I was a little shocked. So I think these points are the director can improve.

The idea of the movie “Abandoned City” is very good. In the movie, the garbage has the dream of being recycled. We can help the garbage to fulfill their dreams in our lives if we do the sorting. Let's do the sorting together and help the garbage to fulfill their dreams!






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:26
  • by yuna.wu