
Special Values of Everything

By Yiler Huang


Value is not always bout money, it is about more interesting things. This semester, I learned a lot about value and reuse. We experienced many things to learn what value is. We often need to think about value in our lives, almost every day. But, did you think about the meaning behind “value”. I will to tell you about what we have experienced in this semester, and my thoughts about “value” after all of the experiences.

The first experience I want to tell you about is “how background and life experience affect your thoughts about value”. So, the consequence was: they definitely affected your thoughts. The family you borned in, the education you got, the experiences you had will all affect your thoughts about value. Because they decide what person you are, and each person has their own thoughts. So the first element of value is your experience.

The second experience I had was “things we want to throw away or keep”. The decisions we make about what we want to throw away or not usually depends on how important you think the thing is. For example: we went to hard off and I sold my keyboard. Actually, I didn’t really want to sell my keyboard, because it was my birthday present. I think my every birthday present is important to me, because that represents the value of the people who gave me the present. So I would like to keep all my birthday presents every year, because I won't like people to throw away what I gave them. But I still sold my keyboard because it was broken and it was already a second handed keyboard, so I want it to be bought and fixed by the person who bought it and start its own journey. I still didn’t want to sell it at first, because I think all my birthday presents are important to me. I think that is a huge part of the value of things.

The last experience was how we decide what we want to throw or not. I think one of the most important points which decide whether you want to throw things or not is what you do with the stuff. Because it decides whether you are happy or not with owning that thing.

After these three experiences, I think value is actually an interesting thing. My new thought about value was that : ”value is not only about price, it also represents how important the owners think it is.” Because your memories and your thoughts are a huge part of your life, so value also represents things like that. Now I want you to rethink the definition of value, because this might help you in your life and make your life happier also helping other people and the world. Then you can be nicer to your stuff. Value is not always about money and price, it is more important to you. So I think you can start to look at the different things you own, and start to decide that the things are important to you or not. Then, maybe you can keep it, or give it to other people who need by someway. Because every thing has value, so we need to keep the value of things as much as possible.






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/17 19:46
  • by yiler.huang