
Yiler Huang

I'm Yiler, an 8th grader student :).

I think I improved at helping people this semester, because of all the things I have learned. Like making a toy for a kid. That is a very special experience for me. Also, my knowledge involving recycling has improved. Which were things I knew very little about before this semester. But now, I can recognize where things go to reduce the work of people who work in the recycling center.

The thing I want to improve more this year is talking to others, because I don't know or daren't express my ideas with others. So I hope that I could talk more normally and not feel stressed when I'm talking. I think talking to people I don't know is really tough for me.

This semester, I learned that we can actually use trash to make things that are still of high quality, like sneakers and clothes. I also bought a jacket that is made from recycle bottles during the Christmas break. Is was as good as brand new jackets. I think it's important to recycle trash well, so we could decrease the wasted materials we throw away every day. The value of a Circular Economy is that we try not to create any new waste and make new things from old things. If we keep doing this, maybe one day we won't need to use the limited resources on Earth anymore.




  • yiler-huang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/20 23:14
  • by yu.lee