
Toy for Daguang: Mr. Blue Sky

This is me guessing what kind of person my client is, based on the environment near her.


1 She lives in a place far away from city, so she might not have a phone.

2 She might often going outside instead of staying at home, because the place she live is very close to a beach.

3 She might like seafood because she lives very close to a port.

The first video meeting here, mainly for understanding my client.


This is the customer profile I made after the first video meet.



What she answered:

1 What's the color of her favorite cloth? : pink -she likes the cloth, mostly because of the cloth

2 What’s the last show she watched and does she like it? :squid games -she likes the show, and she thinks it’s good: I think she watched this show just because of it’s a popular show

3 What’s her favorite song? : 失眠的夜 -she likes the melody of the song: I know nothing about the song, but it sounds like a popular song in elementary school

4 What’s her favorite class? : PE - she likes to play basketball: I could add something about sports in the design

5 What’s the last thing she wants to buy? : a computer -she wants a computer that can search things: I think there is another reason, cause it seems she has a phone, so I don’t think she wants a computer just because she wants to search things.

She likes to take pictures with her friends

She likes to play a mobile game called Free Fire

She likes 戴資穎 she likes her because she think 戴資穎 won’t lose or give up easily

She likes 鄧紫棋 because 鄧紫棋 is good at singing, and she might likes her song

She expect the gift would be good

Customer profile: I think the things cage likes are mostly the things that are popular in elementary school now. Like the name of the song sounds like a song that lots of fifth graders like. -She’s a person who likes popular things. -She’s a person who likes to do exercises.

I think the surroundings of her school made her like popular things, because it’s far away from the city, but she can still get the popular information from the internet.

My client:

The first hand-draw design


First Inkscape design based on the hand-drawn sketch.


First adjustment based on teachers' suggestions.


The second video meeting, mainly for adjusting the first Inkscape design.


The changes I made after the second meet with my client.


3D version design based on the Inkscape.


The third video meeting, mainly for the final adjustment of the Inkscape and Blender design.


The last adjustment of Inkscape file after the third meeting.


Changing the color of the model,based the final Inkscape file.


Story of the toy

The background story of the toy.


The computer is smart. It can think on its own, it knows how to think and it has emotions. Sometimes it’s happy, and sometimes it’s sad. Just like us. It’s looking for a good owner and a good place to live. It wants a comfortable place and a nice person to take care of it. 這台電腦很聰明。它有能力獨立思考,知道如何思考,並且有情緒。時而快樂,時而憂傷。就像我們一樣。它正在尋找一個好主人和一個居住的好地方。它想要一個舒適的地方和一個好人來照顧它。

The designs of the box.


How the box actually looked like.


The final result.


The last interview, mainly for asking my client's thought after she got the toy.


  • yiler-huang-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:27
  • by yiler.huang