
An Interest Science Class

By Yiler Huang


We did an interesting experiment a few weeks ago, and I also learned something useful. In this experiment called Voltaic Battery, I learned that you can actually use some simple things like nails and fruits to produce electricity. Voltaic battery was found out by a scientist called Alessandro Voltaic. He found out that chemical reactions can produce power in some special situations, and he invented a type of battery named with his name, which is called Voltaic Pile.

The whole experiment was about making a battery, by using a piece of zinc and copper, wires, and some pieces of wet paper, Or fruits and a few nails. Every single group made with fruits or pieces of zinc and copper are part of the Voltaic pile, and it can produce more electricity if the battery has more piles of it. So we put them in a small box and poured some water on to make sure that electricities could travel inside of the pile. It works because the chemical reaction inside of the pile can produce some little electricity, but if they are connected together, the electricity will become stronger while it travels longer through the Voltaic battery.

The result of the experiment was that we use the fruit to make a LED light glow, and it did. I think it can even run a whole computer or an electrical car if we had enough fruits. This might be useless in my life, but it’s still fun to learn that there are so many ways to get electricity. It's still a good experiment even though that it's sort of useless.

If we have a chance to try this experiment again, I would like to increase the amount of fruits we have. Because when we were doing this experiment, the light ball glowed. But it's not very bright. So I think if we want to see the experiment is successful o not more easily, we should have more materials so that the result will be more easy to see.

In the end, I learned that it's important to learn how things works instead of just use them. Because you will know the thing you re using more if you actually learned how does that work. I think the importance of science class is to use the things we understand to explain how does everything in your life works. So, I hope that people can learn about more things in our life.



實驗的假設結果是我們可以用水果讓 LED 燈發光,而且我們成功了。如果我們有足夠的水果,我認為它甚至可以驅動整個電腦或電動車。這在我的生活中可能毫無用處,但知道有這麼多獲取電力的方法仍然很有趣。這依舊是一個很好的實驗,即使它有點無用。



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