
Think About Our Home: Earth

By Yiler Huang


Last week, Mr. Cheng from EQPF came to talk about environment again. This time, he was talking about the relationship between environment and politics. After I heard his speech, I want to encourage people to care more about environment. Because the environment needs our help, it’s up to the people to educate themselves about the environment. I believe that people are not educated enough about the environment, focusing more on scientific progress over its effects on the environment. So I hope people could know more about environment from education. If we want to educate people more, I think the government should be trying to help mankind, not just for us but for the future generations.

So, What is wrong with the environment now? Here is an example: CO2 emission is at an all time high, causing global warming. Global warming causes extreme weather events, and as time goes on. It will become even more frequent. This affects the wildlife, and makes Earth harder to live on. The reason why this will happen is because of human beings nowadays are so focused on scientific progress, that they fail to look at what it’s doing to our environment. (Example: Plastic being a man made material has caused the deaths of animals as well as marine life through the pollution it has created.)

In order to fix this, people should be more educated on what their actions are doing to the Earth, Just like what I said in the first paragraph. So we need to start from early education to teach students to be more aware. People should know how serious the problem is, and how they can help fix this. The government should also be helping by providing the tools for people to track their contributions to the environment.

I think the government should focus on the future generations because it is what’s needed right now. We need to help people in future and let them know how to fix the problems. Instead focusing on votes, more work should be done to ensure that future generations will have a home to return to. I believe the government should also introduce eco-friendly curriculum in schools to educate students from a young age.

We need to protect the Earth, because we only have one Earth, and it is everyone’s job to preserve it. Our Earth is in danger because of global warming now, so we need to care about it more. I feel that the current education is not enough to make people care, because we need to educate people how serious the problems are. Our government also needs to provide people with the tools and know how to fix the problem. What we need to do right now is: We should open Google and search about the Da Tan natural gas center. Decide your choice about the vote then vote for future generations. It is for protecting us, and also protecting them. Then, we are going to tell people the importance of educating future generations, and try the best to leave a good environment for the future generations.


那麼,現在的環境有什麼問題嗎?這是一個例子:二氧化碳排放量創歷史新高,導致全球變暖。隨著時間的推移,全球變暖會導致極端氣候。它會變得更加頻繁。會影響到野生動物,並讓地球變得更難生存。之所以會發生這種情況,是因為當今的人類過度關注科學進步,以至於他們沒有看到那些瑣碎的成就是怎樣荼毒了我們的環境。 (例如:塑膠是一種人造材料,它造成的污染導致動物和海洋生物死亡。)




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  • Last modified: 2022/01/17 19:44
  • by yiler.huang