
Fashion Can Protect the Earth

By Yiler Huang


Last week, there was a special speaker who named Mark came here to teach us something about recycling.

Mark is the co-founder of a company that makes recycled products. During the course of the presentation, Mark expresses that his company makes a wide variety of things. And he also shared his concerns over society and the limitation of technology.

Mark explained his company recycles unwanted clothes, shoes, furniture, and much more. Mark said that they use the unwanted materials to create new products. Like taking parts of old shoes and making new ones. Mark said his company works with H&M and Nike. Basically they're using H&M's upcycling programs to get materials. Then, they would sell their processed materials to Nike.

During the speech, he also told us about their achievement, like he told us that his company helped build Jacky Chan’s hotel and studio in China using all recycled materials. Also, his company produces fake wood from plastic. These are special because they are stronger than normal wood and waterproof.

During Mark’s presentation, he expresses some difficulties. And these are mainly technological and societal issues. Like some materials still require manual labor, like zippers, buttons, and accessories need to be removed by hand. There are also issues with how people think, because People prefer brand new products over things made from recycled materials. Even if the products made from recycled materials look brand new, some people still don’t like them.

Mark’s presentation was interesting. He talked about what his company does and the problems they’ve encountered. In my opinion, his problems with technology need time. Which means only when the technology catches up can this problem be solved. As for the problem with society’s view on recycled products. I think by making them more luxurious, it will sell better. I also think education will help as well.

上週,有一位名叫Mark的特別演講者來到這裡教我們一些關於回收的知識。 他的公司生產各Mark是一家生產回收產品的公司的聯合創始人。在演示過程中,Mark表示種各樣的東西。他還局分享了他對社會和技術限性的擔憂。

Mark解釋說,他的公司回收不需要的衣服、鞋子、家具等等。Mark說他們使用不需要的材料來創造新產品。就像拆掉舊鞋的一部分再製作成新鞋一樣。Mark說他的公司與 H&M 和Nike合作。基本上,他們正在使用 H&M 的升級回收計劃來獲取材料。然後,他們會將加工後的材料賣給Nike。




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  • Last modified: 2022/01/17 22:17
  • by yiler.huang