
Understanding the Definition of Environment

By Yiler Huang


Environment means everything that affects human and nature, including sunlight, air, water, dirt, ground, mines, forests, animals, economy, culture and history. A natural environment including individuals, and many similar individuals called populations. It called communities when there was a loss of population. It was called an ecosystem when there were lots of communities, and a biome including lots of ecosystems. And a biosphere was built with lots of biomes. A biosphere needs some place you can stand, like ground. And you will need air, water and food to keep you alive. You also need sunlight to grow your foods, and some things that break down crops to the nutrients of your food.

People loved to change the environment to make it more comfortable, like we build cities, we farm animals and plants to eat. And if we change the environment, there might be something left. So we called them history. How humans change the world affected the environment, like some animals died because of us, or we built something on mountains.

However, there was one thing we don’t often think about. Like what’s below the city, and where our food comes from. We don’t think about that cause most of us don’t know a lot about the environment. If we want to know more about the environment, we have to go out and see the environment and to learn more about it. And think more about how something happened and why.

Some people were curious about “what the environment looked like in the past”, like Taipei city. In the old time in Taipei city, there were even lakes here, and people farm something on the ground. That’s the image that we couldn’t see.

When we talk about something, we like to say whether it's good or bad. But, it’s very hard to decide if an environment is good or bad. Like what is the reason why a pool or lake is “good” or it’s bad, it’s hard. So people wrote a law about it. Like if there were any pollution thing, creature or energy in a lake. That means the lake is bad, so we can quickly check an environment is good or not.






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/17 19:44
  • by yiler.huang