
Gogoro: Eco-Friendly Battery Sharing Network

By Yiler Huang


This week, our class had a presentation from Mr.Jiang who works for Gogoro. He gave us a lot of information about the field of electric vehicles from its history to what they are doing now. Modern vehicles have come a long way, especially with electricity powered vehicles. His presentation has convinced me that electrical vehicles are better than I thought, and could be the future of transportation. So, I highly advise people to buy and push for further development.

Mr.Jiang’s presentation gave us the reason why electrical vehicles were not so popular after the early 1900s. Before it’s loss of popularity, electrical vehicles were actually the most preferred form of vehicles purchased. Because they were quiet, stable, and didn’t produce a bad smell. However, Henry Ford’s model T as well as his development of assembly line production caused a decline of interest in electrical vehicle technology. This made big companies look at gasoline powered cars as the superior choice to put research and development on. In the late 1990s, people became aware of the environmental effects of gasoline powered vehicles, this prompted people to start looking at electric vehicles again. Mr.Jiang’s company, Gogoro, manufactures electric scooters. They’ve also solved a problem with electric vehicles using a power network system. The system is a shared battery program allowing owners of Gogoro scooters to go to a battery station to switch batteries, allowing for quicker recharged speed. This makes it even more efficient than going to a gas station.

I believe electric vehicles can solve many of the problems for us. We should actively promote the usage of electric vehicles, because it’s better for the environment since it produces less air pollution . Because of how quiet it is compared to motor vehicles, it creates even less noise pollution. This leads to more money saved for the government as they do not need to spend as much money to build noise barriers. It also helps young people like me save money because I will spend less money on gas over a plan like the ones provided by Gogoro. This provides so much more value over a traditional gasoline car.

While gasoline vehicles have been dominant over the past couple of years. It is up to us and the future generations to start embracing electric powered vehicles. There are a lot of conveniences using an electric vehicle like it’s costs and time saving qualities. It is also important that we protect our Earth by emitting less carbon dioxide. This will only happen if we show big companies that there is money in putting resources into building better electric vehicles, and only through social awareness can we spread the pros of owning an electric vehicle. What we need to do, is to buy electric vehicles in future and push for further development.

這禮拜,有一位在 Gogoro 工作的蔣先生來介紹Gogoro。他告訴了我們很多關於電動車的故事,從它的歷史到現在的發展。例如:現代汽車已經流行很久了,尤其是電動車。他的介紹讓我相信電動車比我想像的更有趣,而且可能是交通工具的未來。所以,我建議人們購買電動車並推動進一步它的發展。

蔣先生的說明讓我們明白了為什麼電動汽車在 1900 年代初期之後就不那麼流行。在它不受歡迎之前,電動汽車其實是最受歡迎的汽車形式。因為它們安靜、穩定,而且不會產生臭味。然而,亨利福特的T型車以及他對流水線生產的發展導致人們對電動汽車技術的興趣下降。這使得大公司將汽油動力汽車視為進行研發的最佳選擇。 90年代後期,人們開始意識到汽油動力汽車對環境的影響,這促使了人們重新開始關注電動汽車。蔣先生的公司: Gogoro 生產電動機車。他們還使用自家的電力網路系統解決了電動車需要長時間充電的問題。Gogoro的電力網系統是一個讓擁有電動機車的人可以享電池的系統,讓 Gogoro 電動車的車主可以去電池站更換電池,從而實現更快的充電速度。這比去加油站更方便且更有效率。

我相信電動汽車可以為我們解決很多問題。我們應該積極推廣電動汽車,因為它產生的空氣污染少,對環境更好。與機動車輛相比它的安靜程度更勝一籌,它產生的噪音污染也比汽油車更少。這為政府節省了更多的錢,因為他們不再需要花那麼多錢來建造隔音牆。它還可以幫助像我這樣的年輕人省錢,因為與 Gogoro 提供的電池租金相比,你可以在交通上花更少的錢。這與傳統的汽油車相比提供了更多的價值和便利。


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  • Last modified: 2022/01/17 19:46
  • by yiler.huang