
Reflection on The Fruit Battery Experiment/對水果電池實驗的反思

by Steve Wang


Science experiments are hard work and time consuming. The worst part is, most of the time, they end up not getting the intended outcome because of human error. I believe there are a few causes for not getting the intended result . To help you understand, I am going to tell you how one of my science experiments went, tell you the intended outcome and how it went wrong. Then, how I will do these experiments in the future.

The experiment I am going to tell you about is the Fruit Battery experiment. The goal was to charge a phone using fruits. First, we tested how much electricity each fruit could create. According to my group's test results, apples created the most electricity so we tried to use as many apples to generate electricity. We then went on to connect the apples with wires so as to combine the voltage. After that, we tried to test if there was enough electricity to charge a phone. However, sadly, there was not. After some reflection on our work, we decided that the problems might be caused by the horribly connected wires. Some of them were loose and kept falling off and some of the wires did not have enough surface touching the apples.The wires were horribly connected because we were rushed and had to work quickly to get it done.

When we got started, we had to test which fruit produced the most electricity. We tested potatoes, carrots and a few others. We were slower than expected because I accidentally threw a carrot under the printer and we wasted a lot of time looking for it. Another thing is, we had problems getting the things we needed to test because there were not enough materials. To test the amount of electricity each fruit created, we had to put two nails in the fruit. Then, connect a machine to the nails. We also had a shortage of machines so we had to wait for others. When we found that apples produced the most electricity, we got as many apples as we could and started working on connecting them. By the time we got to that step, we were already very low on time and had to start rushing. We connected the wires as quickly as we could. However, because we were erushing, we did not connect them properly. Some of them kept falling out while others did not connect properly. In the end, we could not charge a phone because of the poor connection of the wires.

Going forward, I intend to rectify a few things to ensure my science experiments go smoothly. First, I would like to get a partner that would not distract me, a partner who I can easily work with and work efficiently. When I cannot choose my partner, I try my best to work with a partner and encourage them to work. Another thing I could do is try to keep my mind focused on the experiment even if some of the experiments are less interesting or entertaining as some of the others. I should just focus on getting it done quickly and properly. I strongly believe that if I follow these steps, I would likely be getting more intended results. This is also something I can use in my life. Whenever I have to work with someone I would try to find someone I work well with or learn to work with them.

After reflecting , finding the problems and attempting to solve a few problems, I have found a few things I have to do to ensure the success of my future science experiments. I have to find a teammate I can work well with or attempt to work with them and try to ignore other distractions. I believe that it would benefit most people to follow these suggestions. From this point forth, we should all find teammates we can work well with and try to ignore distractions when working. Doing so can allow us to complete work that is hard and time consuming quickly and efficiently.






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Collecting fruits:

Building battery:

  • steve-writing-about-the-value-of-this-year_s-science-classes.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:39
  • by yiler.huang