
How Circular Economy Helps The Environment/循環經濟如何幫助環境

by Steve Wang


Did you know that you could help protect the environment and earn money at the same time? One of the ways you could do that is to participate in the circular economy. Circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. It sounds complicated but it can be understood as getting new value with old materials. For me, it is also fun because when I tried to do this, I got a little bit of money. If you try to do the same, you might also be able to get some money. Doing this will not only benefit you but also benefit those around you and the whole society.

If you participate in the Circular economy, you will be able to get money and help save the environment. For example, we just went to a store called Hard Off. It is a place which sells second hand stuff. However, the good part is that you can sell things you consider as trash and get some money for it. Even Though the money is not a lot, I think it is fine because it is trash to me and it is better to get some money compared to no money. This is an example of the Circular economy benefiting me and it can benefit you if you do the same. We should all try to do this because it is easy for us to do and costs us almost nothing.

Participating in the circular economy can also benefit those around you. Take the selling things at Hard Off for example. When we sell our old stuff at Hard Off, we can get rid of the trash at home and not pay someone to get rid of it for us. Additionally, we can also get money for giving Hard Off our trash. Participating in the Circular economy not only benefits yourself but also helps others so we should all do it.

Participating in the Circular economy can also benefit the society. For example, someone is selling something at Hard Off. It will help the whole society by reducing waste and if many people do this, we can reducing pressure on the environment, improve the security of the supply of raw materials, increasing competitiveness, stimulating innovation, boosting economic growth.Just participating a little bit in circular economy can go a long way and make a lot of difference. Everyone should attempt to help.

In the end what is important is that we try to play our part in protecting the environment. We should all participate in the Circular economy. We have to do this if not for those around us or the society, then do it for ourselves. We should also remember that we can get money in the process too. We have to do this if not for those around us or the society, then do it for ourselves. We can start by getting ourselves some extra money from selling our trash.


如果您參與循環經濟,您將能夠賺錢並幫助拯救環境。例如,我們剛去了一家名為 Hard Off 的商店。是賣二手貨的地方。然而,好的部分是你可以出售你認為是垃​​圾的東西並從中獲得一些錢。雖然錢不多,但我覺得還好,因為這對我來說是垃圾,得到一些錢比沒有錢要好。這是循環經濟使我受益的一個例子,如果你也這樣做,它也會使你受益。我們都應該嘗試這樣做,因為這對我們來說很容易,而且幾乎沒有任何成本。

參與循環經濟也可以使您周圍的人受益。以 Hard Off 的銷售為例。當我們在 Hard Off 賣掉我們的舊東西時,我們可以把家裡的垃圾扔掉,而不用花錢請人幫我們扔掉。此外,我們還可以通過硬脫我們的垃圾獲得金錢。參與循環經濟不僅有益於自己,也有益於他人,所以我們都應該這樣做。

參與循環經濟也可以造福社會。例如,有人在 Hard Off 賣東西。減少浪費,造福全社會,如果人多,就可以減輕環境壓力,提高原材料供應的安全性,提高競爭力,刺激創新,促進經濟增長。循環經濟可以走很長的路並產生很大的不同。每個人都應該嘗試提供幫助。


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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:38
  • by yiler.huang