
Importance of Efficiency/效率的重要性

by Steve Wang


Everyone has or is wasting their lives. They are doing this by procrastinating, being unfocused and being slow when they work. If you do these things, it will stop you from getting work done and you will feel like you do not have enough time. One of the ways to fix those problems is to start being efficient and quick. You might better want to be more efficient if you understand what happens if you are not. When you understand the problem better, you might want to implement it into your life.

Being quick and efficient can benefit because, according to research, an average desk job employee loses 2.1 hours a day to distractions and interruptions. Which adds up to over a full day of work every week. Also, on average, employees who do the most of their work on computers are distracted every 10.5 minutes. All this added together can cost you a lot of time. Imagine if we get rid of all these distractions and interruptions and when others are distracted, we focus on our work. We will have much more time to do what we want. We might even get close to half a day more compared to unfocused people.

Take the company Gogoro for example. Gogoro is a company that makes electric scooters and an electric grid that provides batteries for those scooters. The special thing about the scooter is, it does not come with a battery. Instead you have to borrow one from a charging stop on the electric grid. So, no one owns a battery and it is all shared and reused. Doing this is an example of being quick and efficient because, usually electric vehicles need to wait a long time to charge. However, for Gogoro scooters, you need only replace your current battery with another one on the charging stop. It only takes less than a minute compared to those electric cars that take hours to charge. Another example is McDonald’s Offers Self-Service Kiosks. They allow customers to order their food from machines and are able to choose specifics for their meal. It is almost the same as ordering from a real person. However, compared to a real person, it is much faster and more efficient because there are many machines to order from and people do not have to wait in line. Another benefit is, it reduces the chance for human error. Doing this allows McDonald’s to provide better customer service by reducing the wait time. When the wait time gets reduced, it allows them to earn more money by being able to serve more customers. These might only be little changes that help efficiency but because of these changes, their customer service has improved and it also gives their customers a faster user experience. From these examples, we can see a small change in efficiency can help you achieve better results.

Students should learn from this and become quick and efficient because, if they do so, they will save time and have time to do what they want. Some students like and want to play video games and watch YouTube all day. However, if they do so, they will not be able to finish their work. However, there is a way you might be able to do so for half the day if you are quick and efficient. For example, when you do your work, focus on it. If you are focused, you will find that your work time decreases and your work quality improves. When your work quality improves, you will not need to spend as much time correcting it. When your work time decreases, you can use the time to do other things. This will become a cycle and you will have much more time.

You can be quick and efficient like these examples too. Now you understand what happens if you are not quick and efficient,learn from the Gogoro example. Learn from the McDonald’s example. Implement these concepts into your life now. You can start by focusing on your work which is easy to do if you want to do it. Another way is to plan your day so you do not need to waste time thinking about what to do and when to do it. Planning will also give you some amount of stress and make you work faster. If you do small things to make yourself more efficient, you will get more time. This will become a cycle and the momentum will keep you going and improving. Stop wasting your life and start being efficient.


快速和高效会受益,因为根据研究,一名普通的办公桌工作员工每天会因分心和打扰而损失 2.1 小时。每周加起来超过一整天的工作。此外,平均而言,在计算机上完成大部分工作的员工每 10.5 分钟就会分心。所有这些加在一起可能会花费您很多时间。想象一下,如果我们摆脱所有这些分心和打扰,当其他人分心时,我们就会专注于我们的工作。我们将有更多的时间去做我们想做的事。与注意力不集中的人相比,我们甚至可能多接近半天。

以 Gogoro 公司为例。 Gogoro 是一家制造电动机车和为这些机车提供电池的电网公司。机车的特别之处在于,它不配备电池。相反,您必须从电网的充电站借一个。因此,没有人拥有电池,而且电池都是共享和重复使用的。这样做是快速高效的一个例子,因为通常电动汽车需要等待很长时间才能充电。但是,对于 Gogoro 机车,您只需在充电停止处用另一个电池更换当前的电池。与需要数小时充电的电动汽车相比,只需不到一分钟的时间。另一个例子是麦当劳提供自助服务亭。他们允许客户从机器上订购食物,并能够为他们的膳食选择具体的内容。这几乎与从真人那里订购一样。然而,与真人相比,它更快、更有效率,因为有很多机器可以订购,人们不必排队等候。另一个好处是,它减少了人为错误的机会。这样做可以让麦当劳通过减少等待时间来提供更好的客户服务。当等待时间减少时,他们可以通过为更多客户提供服务来赚取更多收入。这些可能只是有助于提高效率的微小变化,但由于这些变化,他们的客户服务得到了改善,并且还为他们的客户提供了更快的用户体验。从这些例子中,我们可以看到效率的微小变化可以帮助您获得更好的结果。

学生应该从中学习并变得快速高效,因为如果他们这样做,他们将节省时间并有时间做他们想做的事。一些学生喜欢并想整天玩电子游戏和看 YouTube。但是,如果他们这样做,他们将无法完成他们的工作。但是,如果您快速高效,有一种方法可以让您花半天时间。例如,当你做你的工作时,专注于它。如果你专注,你会发现你的工作时间减少了,你的工作质量提高了。当您的工作质量提高时,您将不需要花费太多时间来纠正它。当你的工作时间减少时,你可以利用这段时间做其他事情。这将成为一个循环,您将有更多的时间。

您也可以像这些示例一样快速高效。您可以从专注于您的工作开始,如果您愿意,这很容易做到。另一种方法是计划您的一天,这样您就无需浪费时间思考该做什么以及何时该做。计划也会给你带来一定的压力,让你工作得更快。如果你做一些小事来让自己更有效率,你就会得到更多的时间。这将成为一个循环,这种势头将使您继续前进并不断进步。从 Gogoro 示例中学习。学习麦当劳的例子。现在就将这些概念落实到您的生活中。停止浪费你的生命,开始高效。

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:38
  • by yiler.huang