
Responsibilities of Environmental Protection/環境保護責任

by Steve Wang


“We deserve a safe future. And we demand a safe fututre. Is that really too much to ask?” Greta Thunberg said during the Global Climate Strike, New York, on 20 September 2019. If you are not willing to do not care about having a safe environment to live in in the environment then at least allow other's to be able to make the same choice. Everyone living on this earth should protect this earth because for not just ourselves but also others.

The first reason is that we need to protect the environment is: we are the ones destroying it. Most of us are destroying the earth every single day. For example, everyone of who lives in a city us uses electricity everyday and some of our electricity is being made by burning things. When things are burnt toxins get released into the air and the toxins pollute the air. Since we are the cause of most of the pollution, we should be the ones fixing it. Some may say that it is not their responsibility to clean this big mess up. However, it is everyone's responsibility since everyone had a hand in creating this mess. For example, when you are pouring water and you spill it by accident. You caused the problem, hence you have to be responsible for it and you have to clean it up. It is the same situation when it comes to protecting the earth.

The second reason is: we all live on this earth and we are apart of it. We all live on this earth. We all use it's resources and we all destroy it. Since it is our's, it is our responsibility. Hence, we have to protect it. For those who disagree, take a dog which is your pet for example. If it gets lost, you have to find it because you are responsible for it. Just like the earth, it is ours. Hence all of us have to be responsible for protectiong it. Opponents of my view may say that some people cause more pollution compared to them. However, in the end, we all still live on this earth. If the earth gets ruined, it will ruin us all. The condition of our environment affects all of us so we all need to protect it no matter how insignificant the polution we casue is.

The third reason is: if we do not protect the environment, we are being very selfish and making it unfair for future generations. If we do not start protecting the environment, it might not affect us that much but it will affect their live in this environment. If you have made the choice of not wanting to live in a good environment, that is fine but you should not take that choice away from them. Because, it is unfair for them if we live in a good environment and they live in a destroyed one. Therefore, we have to protect the environment not just for our sakes bu also for others and the future generation as well.

In conclusion, I think it is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment because of if we do not, the future generation might not get a chance to live as we have. If we do not, all of the living things on earth will die slowly and life will cease to exist on this beautiful planet. If we do not, we will not get a good environment to live in. However, last but not least, it is our home, we are part of it, all of us have to do our best to protect it. Going forward, we should try to recycle more and do things that are less harmful to the earth. If we do this, we can all have a safe future and a good environment to live in for many years to come.

“我們應該擁有一個安全的未來。我們需要一個安全的未來。真的是問太多了嗎?” Greta Thunberg 於 2019 年 9 月 20 日在紐約舉行的全球氣候罷工期間表示。如果你不願意不關心一個安全的環境,那麼至少讓其他人能夠做出同樣的選擇.每個生活在地球上的人都應該保護這個地球,不僅是為了我們自己,也是為了他人。





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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:37
  • by yiler.huang