
Reflection on Toy Production/對玩俱生產的反思

by Steve Wang


The teachers keep complaining about our speed and effciency and after they do that, they sometimes take away our breaks. This is extremely fustrating to all the students. One of the way to solve this is to just work harder. However, if you do not want to work harder, I believe, I have found the perfect solution for you. Even if you do want to work harder or make it look like you are, knowing this will be very beneficial for you. I have experimented with this method and I think that the teachers will not only have time to give your answers but also, their answers are recorded so you will not forget what they say. So, I believe this solution is very beneficial to everyone. To convince you, I am going to explain my situation when I did not use this method, the problems that appeared when I did not use this and the reasons why this method is good.

Before I came up with a solution, I had first understood the problem. When I was working on the toy I believe I did my 3D figure, the 2D drawings and the story writing well enough. I am also quite satisfied with the coloring of my figure. Also the paintng and sanding of the 3D model. However, I believe the results of my box was not so satisfactory. Some of the things that were wrong with the box were the outside design had no background, some of the paper was crumpled and had messy edges when being taped and glued. It had this effect because I was rushed and rushing made me less careful and I did not think that much before acting. The reason I did not have enough time was because the queue to get help is very long. So, I thought that I should stop being rude and bothering the teachers and ask them when they were less busy. What I did at that time was to just wait for the teachers. Instead, I should have messaged them regarding the questions.

I believe this is a good idea because this allows the teachers to reply in their own time and when it is convenient. Doing this would also give the teachers more time before they give an explanation and this would also lessen the wait time to get help. This is good for us because we do not need to use time pestering the teachers when we could be working. Another benefit is that our efficiency might improve. This is also good for the teachers because they do not need to be constantly interrupted by us when they are working at school. And, when it is convenient for them, they would reply to us in their own time. From my point of view, everyone will benefit from the students doing this and this will make us all look like very hardworking and diligent students.

However, others who are against my view may argue that it is impolite to disturb the teachers in their off hours. While this may be true, it is also rude and annoying to constantly pester the teachers doing their work hours. Moreover, most teachers have to do more than teach and even in their off hours, most teachers are still working. Furthermore, some teachers have explicitly told us that we are allowed to ask them questions through text during the holidays. In conclusion, I concede that there are cons to this option but for me, the benefits simply outweigh the drawbacks.

After reflecting on this project, I have thought of a method that may solve my and likely some of your problems and have provided evidence to support my idea. I tried this and the teachers have not reacted negatively against my actions so it is fine to do. If the teachers are not against it and it helps us, we should all do it. An added benefit of doing this is, the teachers might finally stop complaining about or efficiency and speed. We should all do this to save everyone's time and make us all look like hardworking students. To do that, I beleive we should all start asking more question to our teachers via messaging


在我想出解決方案之前,我首先了解了問題所在。當我在製作玩具時,我相信我的 3D 人物、2D 繪圖和故事寫作都足夠好。我對我的身材的著色也很滿意。還有 3D 模型的繪畫和打磨。但是,我相信我的盒子的結果並不那麼令人滿意。盒子的一些問題是外部設計沒有背景,一些紙在粘貼和粘合時被弄皺並且邊緣凌亂。之所以有這個效果,是因為我很匆忙,匆忙讓我不那麼小心,我在行動之前並沒有想那麼多。我沒有足夠時間的原因是因為獲得幫助的隊列很長。所以,我認為我應該停止粗魯和打擾老師,並在他們不那麼忙的時候問他們。我當時做的就是等老師。相反,我應該就這些問題向他們發送消息。




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  • steve-reflection_on_the_daguang_toy_design_process.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:39
  • by yiler.huang