
Tim Lost On The Way To The Recycling Plant/蒂姆在去回收廠的路上迷路了

by Steve Wang


Once, there was a plastic bottle Tim. He has a dream. He wanted to be recycled and serve as best as he could, then, be recycled again. After the fifth time he was recycled, he was happy to be little bottle filled with coke. One windy and stormy day, Tim was bought a little boy named Oliver. He had big ear lobes and chubby cheeks. Oliver immediately downed the bottle and threw it on the sidewalk.

Suddenly, it started raining and Tim was struck by a bolt of lightning. Tim screamed in pain as his cap melted off his head. Rain and thunder followed clossly after. Tim was very afraid now because he was not in the sfety of his recycling bin. He hoped with all his heart that he would be inside the warm and green bin. However nothing happended and he continued laying inside the thunderstorm.

Tim was alone as he watched the children and their parents walking by wearing raincoats and using umbrellas. No one bothered to give him a second glance. Even if they did see him through the heavy rain, no one would be bothered to help a little, used, coke bottle laying on the side of the side walk with it's platic cap zapped off by lightning. After some time of laying there and wallowing in depression, he realized that the water beside him stopped draining away and he sarted floating on water. Tim was jolted awake by the sudden rise of water and before he realized it he was floating with the water downwards toward somewhere unknown. Tim started panicking as he was washed away by the water. He kept thinking “how am I going to get recycled if I am washed to somewhere secluded with no humans there to get me to a recycling bin?” HE tried struggling and swimming against the current but to no avail. In the end, he was too tired to continue struggling and passed out in exhaution.

Tim suddenly woke up as his head hit a large rock. When he looked around, he realized that he was floating around in a river. He was constantly hit by stones and large rocks that were pertruding from the top of the waters and he could not do much becuase the flowing water was just too strong. All he could do was just float there. His situation dawned on him as he desperately tried to convince himself he was in a bad dream. He tried to pinch himself but he still could not wake from this nightmare. Tim screamed and shouted as he hoped to get someone or something to rescue him from this terrible nightmare but no one came and he was forced to acknowledge this was reality. After sometime, he floated into a bigger pool of water. Tim tried to be optimistic by thinking that this was a resavoir and he was going to be found and recycled. However, mintues went by and he just kept floating the only other things he saw were other pieces of trash that humans left floating on the water.

After hundreds of years, Tim knew that it was almost time for him to end. He floated in water as he thought about how he spent the last few hundred years trying to stop creatures from eating him because he knew it would cause them harm. He thought about how Oliver disccarded him on the streets all those years ago which kickstarted his adventure towards the ocean. At last, he saw the wave which was about to end him. His last thought was about his wish of being recycled again and how it would never be fufilled.


突然,開始下雨,蒂姆被一道閃電擊中。他的盖子從他的頭上融化時,蒂姆 痛苦地尖叫起來。雨和雷聲緊隨其後。蒂姆現在非常害怕,因為他不在他的回收箱裡。他全心全意地希望自己能在溫暖而綠色的垃圾桶裡。然而什麼也沒發生,他繼續躺在雷雨中。




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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:36
  • by yiler.huang