
Steve's Design Proposal For a New Toy/Steve的新玩具設計提案

We have talked to the kids and based on the information that we got, I believe that the toy has to at least fulfill three important points. The toys need to be special, gaining attention and needs to be able to be played by all kids. My team and I have also discussed ideas for this toy and I believe that a minifigure which is also a puzzle will fulfill all three points and the kids will also like it.

The first point is the toy should be speical because some of their answers were quite special. For example, some of them picked snake, elephant and cheetah. Some of their job choices were also quite special, for example, dinosaur researcher, king, pincess, police. Another kid even wanted to get a master's degree at math. I would also think that if the toy is not special the kids will stop playing with it after a short amount of time.

The second point is that the toy should be interactive because when we questioned them we could not get them to talk to us. They would just not unmute, ignore us or keep saying hello. However, after we started questioning them by making them have a competition with other groups and they started answering more quesitons. We also made it fair for them by allowing them to ask us questions if they answered all our questions. Using this game method we got a lot more information from the kids even the kids who would ignore us started answering our questions and interacting with us.

Lastly, the toy must be suited for those who have patience and those who have little patiece. When we talked to the kids, some of the kids had little patiecne when answering our questions while some of the kids were more patient. I also realized that the kid's personalities are very different based on the ansers they gave. For example, Jurassic Park is very different compared to cartoons on tv. Another example is that some kids run during their free time while some kids watch cartoons.

Ultimately, I believe the minifigure which is also a puzzle is the best fit for these kids because it is special, interactive and both the patient and impatient will be able to play with it. I also think it is perfect for us because this toy is doable for us and can be made using the tools we have.






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  • steve-design-proposal-to-support-your-design-idea-for-toy-for-second-graders.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:37
  • by yiler.huang