

by Ron Liu 中文版

One day a fire broke out in a town and needed to rebuild the house, but because of the fire, there was not enough wood, and the people lived on the road. Suddenly someone came from the other side of the area to help transport the wood! Where they live, it is this one block that maintains the natural environment. That cube is called Kevin The Cube, but once that cube is destroyed, the planet will be destroyed.

Arua is the head of the town. He's a great guy, he wears a yellow hat and a gold chain, he fights a lot, he's always smiling, and he's a guy who loves to make friends. Focus lives in a very secret place that no one knows about. He's fast, he's wearing a blindfold and a mask. He's a very mysterious man, calm and quiet. He doesn't want to make friends. Because his family was taken away by a bad guy. There's another guy who's the villain in this story. He also manages this group of minions, which he calls the Dark Wild Card. No one knows when he will show up. It is speculated that this fire was also his plan. Then there are a few more heroes named Dynamo, Haven and SIren, they are all heroes who saved the world before, so they are very experienced.

After the fire, the residents lived a very poor life. The United States does not have enough food, there is no place to live, and some food is poisonous because of the fire. Things didn't get better after a while, but they got worse. Because of the limited supplies after the fire, Arua felt that it would not be possible to continue like this, so she asked people outside the town for help, but no one responded. When Arua was about to give up, there was a ruin in front of him, and he went in, intending to ask for one last help. And Focus is the people who live there. Focus is very reluctant to help Aura at first, because he also has to rescue his family. At first Focus was very reluctant to help him because he wanted to rescue his family, but Arua didn't give up, he sat down with Focus calmly and talked. They started getting to know each other, and Focus started to open up to work with Arua.

It just so happened that Focus was a relic who lived in the forest, so she sent wood and food there. Things started to improve on the Arua side, people started building their own houses and farming. After life began to settle down, suddenly Dark Wild Card's men descended from the sky, armed with weapons, ready to wreak havoc on the town. When preparing for a fight, the Focus sneaks a sneak attack from behind and quickly knocks down the enemy. Since then Arua has been learning technical martial arts from people like Focus.

After a while, the Dark Wild Card began massacres again, ready to destroy Pleasant Park and Weeping Wood, because that was the town of Arua and Focus. This time Dark Wild Card is stronger again, this time he intends to destroy Kevin The Cube and destroy two towns.

When Arua and Focus realize what's going on - they know they'll both die if Kevin The Cube is destroyed - so they start looking for someone to help them save the world together. They brought in Dynamo, Siren, Haven to help them, and they also formed a team called FLSH (FLASH). .

The battle was about to begin, the opponents were ready, so Dark Wild Card attacked first to blow up Lazy Lake, and then sent a group of minions to stall the time. After spending a whole day fighting all the minions, they are finally ready to defeat the last demon, Dark Wild Card.

After the war, the whole planet was destroyed, Kavin The Cube was not blown up. Dark Wild Card didn't die either, but he escaped. I don't know why, but Dark Wild Card's body is getting weaker and weaker, and FLSH is no longer planning to continue attacking.

After a while, everyone began to rebuild their homes and live an ordinary, frequent and stable life. Focus started researching why the Dark Wild Card escaped at that time? It turns out that Keven The Cube actually saved them. Finally they realized that protecting the environment is a very important thing, because if the environment is healthy, people will be healthy.


有一天一個城鎮發生火災需 要重新搭建房子, 可是因為火災所以木頭不夠, 人民都在路上過日子。 突然有人他從另一邊的地區來幫助 運送木頭! 在他們生存的地方, 是靠這一個方塊 在維持自然環境的。 那個方塊 叫做 Kevin The Cube ,只是一旦依但那個方塊被摧毀, 這個星球就會被毀掉。

Arua是城鎮的首領。 他是一個很厲害的人,他身穿黃色帽子戴著金鍊子, 他很會打架, 也常常保持笑容, 是很樂意交朋友的人。 Focus則 是住在很隱密、 沒有人知道的地方。 他速度很敏捷, 他帶戴著眼罩和口罩。 他是一位很神祕的人, 做事冷靜也很安靜。 他不願意交朋友。 因為他的家人被一位壞人帶走了。 還有一位是這故事裡的壞人。 他還管理這一群小兵, 他它叫做 Dark Wild Card。 沒有人知道他什麼時候會出現。 人們猜測這次的火災也是他計畫的。 再來還有幾位英雄分別叫做 Dynamo, Haven 和 SIren 他們都是 以前拯救世界的英雄, 所以經驗十足。

火災發生後, 居民們 都過得非常可憐的生活 。美沒有足夠的糧食、 每沒有地方可以住, 有的食物還因為火災 所以有毒。 事情過了一陣子 事情依然沒有好轉, 反而越來越糟。 因為火災後的物資有限 ,Arua 覺得再這樣下去不行, 於是請求小鎮外的人幫助, 但沒有人回覆。 在Arua 快放棄的時候, 眼前有一座遺跡, 他走進去, 打算尋求最後一次的幫助。 而Focus 就是在那裏生活的人。 一開始Focus 是很不願意幫助Aura他的, 因為他也要救出他的家人。 開始Focus是很不願意幫助他的 因為他也要救出他的家人 但Arua並沒有因此這樣放棄, 他很冷靜地和Focus 坐下來談講話。 他們開始互相了解了對方 ,Focus也開始打開心房, 願意和Arua 合作 。

剛好Focus 是住在森林裡的遺跡, 所以她運送了 木頭和糧食過去 。 Arua 那邊的情況開始好轉, 人民開始搭建自己的房子, 也開始種田。 生活開始穩定下來後, 突然 Dark Wild Card 的手下從天而降的 ,手持著武器, 準備要大亂這座城鎮 。 在要準備開打時, Focus 從後面偷襲、迅速的把敵人打倒。 從那次之後 Arua 就開始向像Focus 學習技術武術。

過了一陣子之後, Dark Wild Card 再次展開大屠殺, 準備毀掉 Pleasant Park 和 Weeping Wood, 因為那是Arua 和 Focus 的城鎮。 這次 Dark Wild Card 又變得更強了, 這次他打算摧毀 Kevin The Cube 讓兩座城鎮毀掉。

當Arua 與 Focus意識到情況之後—— 他們知道一依但 Kevin The Cube被破壞 他們也都會死掉 ——所以他們開始找人 來幫助他們一起拯救世界。 它們找來了 Dynamo, Siren, Haven 來幫助他們, 他們也一起 組了團隊叫 FLSH (FLASH)。 .

大戰準備開始了, 對方都準備好了, 於是 Dark Wild Card 先事展開攻擊 把Lazy Lake炸掉, 然後並派了 一群小兵 拖延時間 。他們 花了一整天打完所以小兵後, 終於準備要打敗 最後的魔王 Dark Wild Card 。

經過大戰後, 整個星球都被毀掉了, Kavin The Cube 沒有被炸毀。 Dark Wild Card 也沒有死掉, 但是他逃走了。 不知道是什麼原因, 但是Dark Wild Card 的身體越來越弱, FLSH也沒有再在打算繼續攻擊。

過了一陣子, 大家開始重建家園, 並過這平凡頻繁安定的生活。 Focus 開始研究為會什麼 Dark Wild Card 當時會逃走? 最後發現 其實是 Keven The Cube 拯救了他們。 最後他們意識到保護環境事一件很重要的事, 因為環境如果健康, 人們會跟著健康。

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  • ron-liu-fortnite.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:35
  • by yiler.huang