
Science Experiment With A Blender And Some Newspaper Could Posibbly Create Value to Others

By Lucas Tam


Science! This year we did multiple science projects. Some were boring and some were bad because of the lack of enjoyment I had. But there was one I do want to share with you. It's about remaking paper by using 4 different types of recycled paper. This is important because science is a main subject in school. You should listen to me because I have done this experiment before and I know the process, if the experiment went successfully, or the discovery I had about this experiment.

First of all, I will explain the process of the experiment. There are two different parts to the experiment. The first part starts with getting newspaper. Then, rip the newspaper into small pieces. The third step is to get a small bucket full of water. Put the small pieces of newspaper in the bucket of water. After, dump the bucket in a blender. Blend what you put in with the blender. Pour out what was in the blender. There will now be a gray watery thing that looks like concrete before dried. Now, get all of the water out of the weird substance. Get two folders and sandwich them on top of the weird substance. Next, hit it with a hammer or your own hand to flatten out. Finally, remove the folders and let it dry. Second Part, repear the same steps and get a cup of glue. Mix glue with newspaper but do not put it in the water. This is supposed to exxpriment if the texture with glue is diffrent than the one without glue.

But, this science project was successful. I had a lot of fun in this one because we got to get our hands a little messy. I also thought it was satisfying seeing the weird gray substance come out of the blender. My group and I also did not really need the teachers to stop us and we could keep the project going smoothly.

Some feelings I have about science is that it can be fun and dangerous. Sometimes, science can be really boring and not too fun. I also start to realize that I'm not so good at keeeping clean and understanding instructions. Doing the work can be hard or easy. It depends on if you listen carefully or not. This experiment could be used in life for remaking paper and to stop wasting. Paper is make from trees, and we need trees for oxeygen.

All in all, after explaining the process of the paper experiment, if it went successfully, and what feeling I have about science, I have had some cool experiences. The result of the paper expriment was a success too. Since we were remaking paper, you must be able to write on it. Fortunatly, we could actually write on the paper. You should try the paper expriment for yourself and try to enjoy science(even though I don't like science either). Go to a store and get the supplies you need for the expriment, right now. Either way, it is important in life for you and others.

科學!今年我們做了多個科學項目。有些很無聊,有些很糟糕,因為我缺乏樂趣。但有一個我確實想和你分享。它是關於使用 4 種不同類型的再生紙重新製造紙張。這很重要,因為科學是學校的主要科目。你應該聽我的,因為我以前做過這個實驗,我知道這個過程,如果實驗成功了,或者我對這個實驗有什麼發現。





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  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:45
  • by lucas.tam