
Circular Economy Could Change Your Life

By Lucas Tam


Humans in this world think that protecting the environment will waste money and resources. Actually, this will help them get more resources and save them money. One of the ways you can do that is circular economy. Circular economy is a model of consumption and production. Also, money is a precious item in life and people don't want to lose it. If you help protect them environment then you would save money and you could use old resources to make new ones. I tried doing everything I told you just now. I was happy because I got everyone's favorite item, money. So, if you do this it will help not juts the world, but it would help you in life too.

If you take part in the circular economy, you will get money and help save the environment. For instance, we went to a store called Hard-Off. Hard-Off is a second hand store formed in Japan. But, the nice part about this store is that you can sell stuff that produces no value to you anymore. By doing this you can get some money back. The store doesn't give you too much money back, but some money is better than no money because you are basically selling your trash. That was an example of circular economy. It worked out well for me and would work out well for you too. We people should try to do this because it is easy and does not take too long.

Taking part in a circular economy can also benefit they people around you. When we sold stuff at Hard-Off, we basically sold the useless items in our house. We didn't have to ask someone to pay a specific amount of money for our item, instead we sold it for a good amount of money. This also means we don't waste someone's precious time. We should all try to do this because it will also benefit others around you.

To take part in a circular economy can also benefit the society. For instance, when someone is selling something at Hard-Off, they are helping to get rid of waste in the world. This can help society live in a better world and save the environment. This could also boost economic growth and in which raw materials, components or products lose their value as little as possible. If everyone helps, then it could make a difference.

All in all, the crucial part is that we participate in protecting the environment. We should all take part in a circular economy. If we do, we can also get money and save the environment. This will help the whole world live a better life. The next step is to research about how the circular economy works and what you should do. You can also help encourage other people around you to also take part in the circular economy. I thought that are trip to Hard-Off was cool because you can get money for your old items. This can really help the environment and help your family too. Protecting the environment can help you get more resources and save money. If you don't you are just wasting everything and you are not protecting the environment.


如果您參與循環經濟,您將獲得金錢並幫助拯救環境。例如,我們去了一家名為 Hard-Off 的商店。 Hard-Off 是一家在日本成立的二手店。但是,這家商店的好處在於,您可以出售不再對您產生任何價值的東西。通過這樣做,您可以收回一些錢。商店不會給你太多的錢,但有錢總比沒有錢好,因為你基本上是在賣垃圾。那是循環經濟的一個例子。它對我很有效,對你也很有效。我們人們應該嘗試這樣做,因為它很容易並且不會花費太長時間。

參與循環經濟也可以使您周圍的人受益。我們在 Hard-Off 賣東西的時候,基本上就是賣掉家裡沒用的東西。我們不必要求某人為我們的物品支付特定數量的錢,而是以高價出售它。這也意味著我們不會浪費某人的寶貴時間。我們都應該嘗試這樣做,因為這也會使您周圍的其他人受益。

參與循環經濟也可以造福社會。例如,當有人在 Hard-Off 上賣東西時,他們是在幫助擺脫世界上的浪費。這可以幫助社會生活在一個更美好的世界並拯救環境。這也可以促進經濟增長,並儘可能減少原材料、組件或產品的價值損失。如果每個人都提供幫助,那麼它可能會有所作為。

總而言之,關鍵是我們參與保護環境。我們都應該參與循環經濟。如果我們這樣做,我們也可以賺錢並保護環境。這將有助於全世界過上更好的生活。下一步是研究循環經濟如何運作以及你應該做什麼。您還可以幫助鼓勵周圍的其他人也參與循環經濟。我認為去 Hard-Off 旅行很酷,因為您可以為舊物品賺錢。這真的可以幫助保護環境,也可以幫助您的家人。保護環境可以幫助您獲得更多資源並節省資金。如果你不這樣做,你只是在浪費一切,你就沒有保護環境。

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  • lucas-tam-writing-about-circular-economy.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:23
  • by lucas.tam