
Talking about protecting the environment

By Lucas Tam


Is it your job to protect the environment? We are destroying the earth everyday because of environment problems. We treat this place very badly and it is falling apart. We pollute the skies and liter, but it is your job to protect the environment because the government can't do everything for you. Your family and you need a good environment to live in so you can stay healthy. I also want to live in a good and healthy environment because it can make the world safer.

The first reason is that its our environment so we should protect it. If you loved your son and it was getting bullied by three kids, you would protect your son because he is your son. Just like how its our environment so you should protect it. If everyone was dumping dirty water in the lake when not told to, it is everyone's job to take action. If just only 500 of us out over 7 billion take action, then the earth will fall apart in no time.

The second reason is that you should protect the environment so others in the future don't have to suffer. If you don't start helping soon then in the future the environment could be way worse and others would have to go through a bad environment. If you were a grandparent and you set a bad example for your grandson, in the future your grandson could turn in to someone bad. People in the future would also wonder who we are and why would we do this to them.

The third reason is that without a good environment, we could die. If there is pollution in the skies, animals dying, and trees being burnt then we would die. We need animals because we need food so we don't starve to death. We need trees so we don't run out of oxygen. Pollution can contaminate the surface of bodies of water and soil. This can kill crops or reduce their yield.

All in all, I think everyone needs to protect the environment if we don't, the world could fall. If we don't, the future generations may not have a chance to live a good life. The animals and other living things could die in this world. If you don't do it, you cannot live in a good environment. You should start noticing that it is their job to protect the environment and should help others in protecting the environment. It doesn't matter if you are different, you should still protect the world you live in.


第一個原因是它是我們的環境,所以我們應該保護它。如果你愛你的兒子,卻被三個孩子欺負,你會保護你的兒子,因為他是你的兒子。就像我們的環境一樣,所以你應該保護它。如果每個人都在沒有被告知的情況下將髒水倒入湖中,那麼每個人都有責任採取行動。如果我們超過 70 億人中只有 500 人採取行動,那麼地球很快就會分崩離析。




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  • lucas-tam-whose-job-is-environmental-protection.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:15
  • by lucas.tam