
Man requests us to think about environment

By Lucas Tam


We humans are causing destruction to this world. We ruin this beautiful world everyday. This could lead up to death or extinction of humans. We need to do something to help and protect the environment. If you don't protect the environment, the world could end or we could live in a terrible environment. Also, we could suffer in our lives and you could die. I've seen many environments, I've seen one in New York, one on my way to school, and one when I go to basketball practice. All of these environments have different problems, if we don't fix them then the world could fall.

I remember walking to Empire State in New York, and hearing everyone saying New York has a terrible environment. When I was walking, I thought New York had not a good but not a bad environment. It had some pollution but that was it. The reason NYC has pollution is because of all the transportation and stuff. We probably cannot change that because New York is unchangeable. Otherwise, not to much garbage as I expected was on the ground.

Everyday I walk to school, I don't see a bad environment. The parts that are good are when there is not garbage on the ground. The bad part is that there is a lot of smokers which causes pollution. If people don't smoke so much, then there would not be as much pollution。 This environment relates to me by not throwing garbage on the ground and creating trash.

When I go to basketball practice, the environment is terrible. There is trash on the ground, smokers everywhere, and chopped down trees. This relates to me by liking to cut and chop things. An environment that interests me is a nice, green, and clean environment. I want to see what the world is like with this environment.

All in all, it is important that everyone in this world protects the environment. Not just for them, but for everyone in this world. The world could end if we don't do this. The method we should use to protect the environment is to volunteer in community pickups, recycle, and reuse items. This could help shape our world to become better and cleaner. The next step is to go on Google and search how to recycle or how to volunteer in your community. You can also go on a website and use the steps that you see for your garbage. If we do this, then we can save the Earth and its people.






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:19
  • by lucas.tam