
Bob the Plastic Bottle Suffers a Painful Death

By Lucas Tam


There was a plastic bottle named Bob. Bob went on an adventure to a new world. He lived a good life and had a lot of fun, but he died. Today I’m going to tell you about the story of Bob the Bottle and how he sadly died.

It was August 2015, Bob was a bottle of coke. A man bought the coke, finished it and threw it away in the garbage not being recycled. Bob made his way into a landfill with all the other dirty trash.

Late at night, Bob suddenly gets carried away by something and doesn’t know where he is going. Bob goes into a drain and starts making his way into the deep dark ocean. He entered a new world and saw some of his fellow bottles in the ocean.

The next morning, Bob finds himself in a pile of plastic floating in the ocean. Bob starts getting scared imagining that he would die. All of a sudden, a whale appears as the whale thinks he sees food. Little did the whale know it wasn’t food, it was a plastic bottle. That plastic bottle was Bob, he noticed it and started panicking. But it was too late, the whale had already eaten the bottle. Bob gets swallowed by the whale, dying peacefully with the creature that ate him.

Bob was a plastic bottle, who went on a terrible adventure. Bob didn’t get recycled like how he’d been his whole life. That was the reason he died. This is an example of why you should recycle and be careful of what bin you throw your plastic into.


那是 2015 年 8 月,鮑勃是一瓶可樂。一個人買了可樂,喝完了,扔進了垃圾桶,沒有被回收。鮑勃帶著所有其他臟垃圾進入了垃圾填埋場。




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  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:37
  • by lucas.tam