
Discussing about Taiwan's Ecosystem and Environment

By Lucas Tam


This is a summary of the EQPF Presentation by Mr. Cheng. It will talk about the environment and ecosystem. It will also talk about what Taiwan is doing for the environment.

The three environmental products are wind, sun, and water. The environment is a place that encompasses living or nonliving things. The three types of environment are natural, man-made, and cultural or religious. In order to have a good natural environment you need trees for oxygen, water so you can stay hydrated, and sunlight so you can get a good amount of vitamin D.

Also, the plants around you will need the sun so they can grow. Humanistic culture is very important to the environment because it can help the environment become better. Some people are “unable” to see the environment because of global warming and other things similar. Not long ago, Taipei was still the city of water. That is the way we live with the Danshui River. New urban construction technology and water conservancy engineering technology deny the tradition, which is not necessarily correct.

In order to solve the problem of sharing the earth between humans and other animals, humans have proposed the above-mentioned new and imaginative and creative methods, and these methods have a consistent central idea running through them. It is a realization that the object we deal with is life-living populations and all their pressures and back pressures, their rise and fall. Only by taking into account these vital forces and carefully guiding them into channels that are beneficial to us, can we expect to establish a reasonable and different relationship between insects and us. An example of a bad environment is a hoover dam. Another example is a pipe pouring out dirty water into a lake with animals and other living things. Some examinations from the perspectives of nature, man-made and humanities. The natural environment of Taoyuan (Taiwan) (past/present): Taoyuan Stream and Outlet Socio-economic development of Taoyuan Taiwan's energy structure Conditions for natural gas power generation Possible reasons affecting the ecology Environmental value trade-off

In conclusion, the environment is very important for the whole world. The next step is to start saving the environment and don’t use alot of things that will cause pollution. If you don’t then the world could fall apart in no time.

這是鄭先生對EQPF 演講的總結。它將談論環境和生態系統。它還將談論台灣為環境所做的事情。

這三種環境產品是風、陽光和水。環境是一個包含生物或非生物的地方。這三種環境是自然環境、人造環境和文化或宗教環境。為了擁有良好的自然環境,您需要樹木來獲取氧氣、水以保持水分,以及陽光以獲取大量維生素 D。


為了解決人類與其他動物共享地球的問題,人類提出了上述新的富有想像力和創造性的方法,這些方法有一個一致的中心思想貫穿其中。認識到我們處理的對像是有生命的人口以及他們的所有壓力和背壓,他們的興衰。只有考慮到這些生命力,小心地引導它們進入對我們有益的渠道,我們才能期望在昆蟲和我們之間建立一種合理的、不同的關係。惡劣環境的一個例子是胡佛水壩。另一個例子是將髒水倒入裝有動物和其他生物的湖中的管道。一些從自然、人造和人文角度的考試。桃園(台灣)自然環境(過去/現在): 桃園溪和出口 桃園經濟社會發展 台灣能源結構 天然氣發電條件 影響生態的可能原因 環境價值權衡


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  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:00
  • by lucas.tam