
Who owns the earth

By Anna Yang


We only have one earth. If we don't take good care of it, future babies will not be able to live, and even our lives will be in danger.

Increasing garbage, rising sea levels, air pollution, and animals having no place to live. These issues have been the subject of concern in recent years. Will the humans be the final winner? I don't think so. it may be self-defeating, Everything we create will even ruin us.

Most of Taiwan’s electricity sources are coal-fired power generation. Because this method of power generation requires not only a large amount of logging but also a lot of air pollution. Therefore, the Taiwan government decided to build a natural gas receiving station so that the residents of Taiwan can have a better living environment.

This method of power generation is more environmentally friendly than thermal power generation. However, the Taoyuan Port, which the government decided to build, has many algae reefs. There is much marine life in the algae reefs, and it is only an excessive energy source, so many people oppose this decision.

Is it really a good decision to build a natural gas terminal? I don't think so. I think human beings are selfish. The more we have, we want more. This time we have a natural gas terminal. What about next time? We should not let our hands be stained with blood. For the sake of future babies and the earth, please take good care of the earth.







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  • anna-yang-who_owns_the_earth.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:14
  • by yiler.huang