
What are Environments

By Anna Yang


There are three types of environments: ⒈natural environment composed of natural ecology, ⒉man-made environment made by humans, ⒊humane environment with history, culture, and historic sites.

The environment needs to be formed by the combination of many different organisms and non-living organisms to form the so-called ecosystem. There is an interaction between living things, the exchange of matter and the transfer of energy are constantly carried out, and through the connection of material flow and energy flow, a whole is formed, and then a continuous cycle.

People rely on the environment, but don't pay attention to it, because our desire makes the ecosystem unbalanced. For example, beavers help humans store water and retain water, digest pollutants, protect species, and resist climate change. In the past, beavers were used as an indispensable animal fur for keeping warm, but since then, animal fur has been regarded as a symbol of money and power. , While beavers live in clean rivers, people always discharge untreated wastewater into the river, polluting the water source. The earth has been riddled with people's creation and transformation. People were created to have a better environment, but they forgot to protect the earth while enjoying it. People keep calling for environmental protection, how many people can do it? Where will humanity go?

As long as we are willing to do our part for the earth, we will have better earth resources, so the protection of environmental protection must start with you and me!




人們仰賴環境,卻不重視環境,因為我們的慾望,讓生態系失衡。像河狸幫助人類蓄水保水,消化污染物,保護物種,抵抗氣候變化,以前河狸是作為保暖用不可少的動物毛皮,但不知從何時起,動物的毛皮被看作金錢、權力的象徵,而河狸生活在乾淨的河域中,人們卻總把不經過處理的廢水排進河裡,污染了水源。 地球因為人們的創造和改造已經千瘡百孔了,人們創造是為了擁有更好的環境,卻忘了享受的同時也要保護地球。人們不停的呼籲環保,又有多少人能做到呢?人類又將何去何從?


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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:13
  • by yiler.huang