
plastic bottles whole life

By Anna Yang


There is a plastic bottle named P.B. P.B has a bad life. Humans made P.B. Human hurt P.B. Humans kill P.B.

P.B used to be a happy little drink container. P.B is both from a plastic factory. Factory owner drives P.B to the 6-ELEVEN. P.B is uncomfortable because the factory owner is full of water in P.B’s body. The driver is a bad driver; the driver can't drive well. And the clerk is not nice to P.B clerk is being not nice to P.B.P.B fell to the ground. P.B is the heart. Almost rupture. P.B is lucky P.B still life. After C.S.M was bought and the drink inside was finished, the person didn't properly put him into the correct recycling bin. He is happy because C.S.M helps P.B to take water out. Then he was sad because C.S.M littered it on the road. –>No.1 Then people take it. And go to 6-eleven to get money. But C.S.M let it go back to the plastic factory. And factory owners throw P.B in the mechanical to get new and new offspring. C.S.M then goes on a SCARY adventure that ends in DEATH… Why I know because I am P.B and other plastic bottles are made.

–>No.2 Then nice people pick it up. Bring it home. And wash it. A Scary thing is coming……nice people are cutting P.B. But he is happy because nice people didn’t throw it And made it pretty. Nice People pack it by the earth and flowers. P.B is pretty. Why I know because I’m P.B’s friend.

P.B life is hard. You can see the ‘No.1’ story is tragic and ‘No.2’ is not too bad P.B is happy. I want to tell you don’t litter. If you litter, clearing people will be hard to clean and maybe environmental pollution. Plastic can make many things for free. You can get money with plastic. The best is do DON’T BUY IT. BRING YOUR OWN BOTTLE.


有一個塑料瓶,名叫 P.B. P.B過著糟糕的生活。 人類製造了 P.B. 人為傷害了 P.B. 人類殺害了 P.B.

P.B 曾經是一個快樂的小飲料容器。 P.B 來自一家塑料廠。工廠老闆開著車帶 P.B 去 6-11。 P.B 不舒服,因為工廠老闆在P.B 的身體裡充滿了水。 司機是爛司機;司機不太會開車。 而且店員對P.B不好,P.B掉在地上。P.B很痛。 差點破裂。P.B 很幸運自己還活著。 C.S.M買完,裡面的飲料喝完後,沒有把他放到正確的回收箱裡。 他很高興,因為 C.S.M 幫助 P.B 喝掉水。 但是他很傷心,因為 C.S.M 把它扔在路上。

–>第1個可能 然後人們拿走它。然後去 6-11換錢。但是 C.S.M 讓它回到了塑料廠。廠長將 P.B 放入機械中以獲得新的後代。 C.S.M 然後開始了一場以死亡告終的可怕冒險…… 為什麼我知道,因為我是 P.B 和其他塑料瓶是製造的。 –>第二個可能 然後好心人把它撿起來。帶回家清洗。 可怕的事情要來了……好人正在切P.B. 但他很高興,因為好人沒有把它扔掉,而是讓它變得漂亮。 好心人 用土和鮮花包裝它,P.B 很漂亮。 為什麼我知道,因為我是 P.B 的朋友。

P.B 生活很艱難。你可以看到“No.1”的故事很悲慘,“No.2”還不錯,P.B很高興。 我想告訴你不要亂扔垃圾。如果亂扔垃圾,清理人會很難清理,而且可能會污染環境。 塑料可以免費製造很多東西。你可以通過塑料賺錢。最好的是不要買它。帶上你自己的水壺。

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  • anna-yang-plastic_bottles_whole_life.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:13
  • by yiler.huang