
How to don't waste

By Anna Yang


Hard-off is buying stuff and selling second user stuff shop. We can though the thing that we don’t need or use that many things, that people who need the stuff to buy we can circularity economy stuff. then we can help those who need it, but the salary is not that high to buy it. also can avoid throwing value stuff, lessen the trash.

Hard-off let me throw my trash lesson. I always randomly buy things. but most of the things I won’t use. that occupied my room place. I am happy for having a business like Hard-off. we can sell the thing we don’t need on Hard-off, use the cheap price to sell a person who needs this thing. then my room won’t let the stuff I don’t need to occupy the place.

since I share my friend my school trip recall, they go to Hard-off buying thing tomorrow, they told me Hard-off is a good shop. Although the place is not big it has any kind of stuff. They buy a bag and a vacuum useful and the price is not high. they also have commodities like new stuff. so they buy many things in Hard-off.

Hard-off is a place that can reduce air Hard-off people sell the thing they don’t need then let people who need the stuff buy can lesson burn trash also lesson factory made a new reduce the exhaust is high.

try to think about if everyone throws the thing they don’t need. then let everyone buy a new thing. That will make exhaust be high. also, let people need the thing to pay any money to buy it. like Hard-off, they lesson the trash also lesson factory to make the thing. And selling things can get some money. also buying stuff you don’t have to pay any money. What a great deal. let’s find the thing you don’t need then go to the Hard-off.







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  • anna-yang-how_to_don_t_waste.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:14
  • by yiler.huang