
A review of "City of Lost Things"

By Anna Yang


小樹 doesn’t like staying at home. he doesn't like going to school. he also doesn't like to wander the street. 小樹is coming to the 廢棄城.小樹 meet a group of plastic bags. a plastic bag –阿袋was almost sucked away by the 鐵甲車,阿袋almost died. But 阿袋 clung to the 小樹. so 阿袋was safety.小樹 came to the City of Lost Things. Back to the base, 阿袋 was almost taken away by 城隍爺. because 城隍爺 don’t accept they go to the place have many 鐵甲車.阿袋 explain to 小樹. This action is for they want to leave廢棄城. But they have never succeeded yet. Many partners die in the action. They take a piece of body parts stick it on the wall and sing a song for them. There are many little plastic bags on the wall. but 小樹 thought he had found the same kind, and shouted, “We are all rubbish that no one wants”!

I think the 小樹 thinks that he is not needed, so he feels that he is rubbish. How about the homeless and the abandoned trash? They have worked very hard to live but are not needed by others. I think it is necessary to discover their advantages and give play to their value again.

阿袋 joined their breakout operations and practiced them in advance. But 小樹 tell to 城隍爺 their plan. In order to escape reality, 小樹 would rather treat himself as trash and stay in the 廢棄城. this is 小樹 first betrayal. 阿袋 couldn’t stand the discipline of 城隍爺, so he decided to resist and speak his own thoughts. Many people also echoed and decided to give it a go. 城隍爺 finally saw their determination. and finally decided to help them, but 小樹again betrayed the 阿袋 and others. He first followed the 鐵甲車 to the base and informed the 鐵甲車 of the plan, blocking the people. In the end, everyone was in the hole. They were dumped into the garbage dump waiting to be thrown into the incinerator. Small trees were also thrown in. Later the incinerator started to start, they use their smart to escape out. I guess the director portrayed the 小樹 as a bad person because they didn’t want the protagonist to be like an ordinary person, but he portrayed him as a bad man who betrayed his companions.

If he didn’t want to leave 廢棄城, I think he can try to prevent them from doing things, instead of using the trust of others to betray people.

阿袋 and others gathered together to fly out in hot air balloons to the sky far away from the abandoned city! 阿袋 destination was a recycling yard near Taipei 101. Finally, the 阿袋 changed from a red and white plastic bag to a white plastic bag with graffiti on it. I also said that I thought that when I arrived in Taipei, I would become more beautiful, stronger, and not like garbage, but in the end, it was still a plastic bag.

But I think 阿袋 has changed. After these things happen, His heart has become braver and smarter. He has learned to fight for himself and He has learned to solve problems.






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:14
  • by yiler.huang