
Result of The First Referendum I Researched On

By Yiler Huang

Everyone know that there will be a referendum in this week, and one topic we need to vote for is things about building nature gas station near the Algae Reefs. My thought is: we can build the station somewhere else. The reason is that it will only take 5 years more to plan and build the station somewhere (if the political people are right, they still might be lying for people to trust them, but we don't think about it now), and I know because I did some researches on internet. So, you can vote against in this topic. If we did, we can still get the natural gas from the other country, and we can also make sure that the algae reef and the animals there are all fine.

Some people might say that five years are too long to wait for the station. But, the answer is: not really. First, we need to know that how long we are gonna use the station. If the station is built, it will work for us in the next half century from it's built. So this short five years doesn't matter, because we need to see things happens further. Not just focus on what will happen in next five years, we should more focus on things will happen in next half century.

The second point is: our goal is to reach zero CO2 producing in next half century to next century. There is still a long time till that happens, so it really not affect Taiwan a lot if we look at this world from a greater scale.

The last point is: There is actually no big differences between build it in the original place or the other spots. I mean, the efficient we get will be the same. Because the distance between Taipei and Tauyuan is not so long. So it is fine to move the station to Taipei.

Because of the three points, I suggest you to vote against in this topic. Because we won't waste too much if we move the station to Taipei. We need to plan more further of future, so we need to vote for our future. Vote seriously for your self and the future generations.






  • yiler-huang-referendum.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/16 17:24
  • by yiler.huang