
Electric Cars VS Gasoline Cars

by Olivia Wang

Today Dr.bell have invited Mr. jiang came to school to talk to us about the electric car and what are the job of programmer. Mr. Jiang is a programmer from Gogoro. He had talk to us from a professional angle, so that we can have reasonable idea for electric car. In this essay we will talk about the origin, course and the rise and fall of electric car. We also will talk about the good point and bad point about electric car, to let you know if you don't what to take the public transport, but you still want to make less air pollution, than you may have another chose.

In 1745, people stared to creative electric car. In 1881, people finally created a electric car. This is a big milestone for human. In that time electric car is more cheaper than gasoline car, so electric car smash hit. But in 1920, with the development of petroleum and the improvement of internal combustion engine technology. The market is gradually being replaced by gasoline car, and the development of electric vehicles has begun to stagnate. 1990 til now, with the reduction of oil resources and atmospheric pollution, people have started to pay attention to electric car again.

Now, in Taiwan the proportion of gasoline car and electric car is 99% and 1% . The reason why electric car proportion is so low is ,because in that time gas oil is cheaper than electricity and electric car use electricity to make power, so it need to charge, but the time that add gas oil take are shorter than charge. People think time is money, they want save the time so they choose to use gasoline car.

This situation makes Gogoro to improve their design. They create a way to make electric car can get power very easy and quickly. Also Gogoro continue to try to make the more easier when they're use electric car, so more and more people break past impressions, accept electric car again. Until now, The process of make a electric car is also very simple. Gogoro wrote a lot function to set many machine and sent all the stuff on the internet, to avoid minimizing the chance of human error. Gogoro has been trying to make people’s lives more convenient while minimizing pollution. This is one of the Thing that impressed me the most in this class, because I think we all should think in that way to make our world and us all become better.

At the end, we just talk about origin, course and the rise and fall of electric car. my conclusion is I hope every humans can don't just think about their own benefit. don't just make yourself have a better life. we all should care about each others to make everything and everyone get better.

電動車 VS 汽油車

by Olivia Wang




這種情況讓Gogoro 修改了他們的設計,他們創造了一種方法使電動車可以非常容易和快速地獲得動力,同時Gogoro 也在不斷嘗試讓人們在使用電動車時變得更容易、方便,所以越來越多的人打破過去的印象,重新接受電動車。到現在就連製造電動車的過程也變得很簡單, Gogoro 寫了很多程式來設置機器並將所有東西傳送到雲端上,以避免、減少人為錯誤發生的可能。 Gogoro 一直在努力讓人們的生活變得更方便,同時最大限度地減少污染,這是這堂課給我印象最深的事情之一,因為我認為我們都應該以這種方式思考,讓我們的世界和我們都一起變得更好。


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  • olivia-writing-about-mr.-jiang-from-gogoro.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:02
  • by olivia.wang