
Communication Across Taiwan about Toy Design

by Olivia Wang

In this semester one of the project is to make a toy for Daguang kid. At the beginning we have a class to class video chat, to help us know each others, then teachers help us paired up into a one-on-one group, to let us can communicate with the kid more easier.

After the class to class meeting, first we thought about what information we want to get, and designed a questionnaire based on this as a starting point, and prepared to show it to our clients in the first one-to-one video meeting.

The first video meeting is to understand our customers. Before the first time of one-on-one meeting starts I was very nervous, because I haven't talk to a kid in this age for a long time. But I feel I was very lucky, because my partner is very friendly and willing to share information with me. so just in the first meeting I already get many information about her. She says she like to play basketball and she like something exclusive to her, something can play, not just a model. She also likes neatly arranged things.

After first meeting, I start to design a toy for her. I try to put all the point she likes in this toy. So finally I designed a basketball girl. my client can play it on table when she was bored. And then I draw many different angles of the toy and show to my client in the second meeting and she gave me some feedback, then I followed her opinion to redesign the toy. After that, we make sure all the general idea is great, then I let her choose the color, clothes, shoes, hair styles. just like making her own Barbie. I hope she fells fun. In the third meeting, we make sure everything about the toy is totally ok. And then we just started to chat. Anyway, I guess we both have a good time and special memory.

At the end, I think the most valuable part of this project is the process that we talk to the kid and follow their opinions to change our design, because this process let us simulate what happens when the designer discusses the design with the client. And also we have a good memory, that's important too.


by Olivia Wang

實現孩子們夢想中的那個「他」 每個孩子的童年都一定會有那麼一個夢想中的禮物,像我小的時候就曾幻想過擁有一隻會飛的獨角獸。這學期我們的專題之一便是為大光國小四年級的小朋友們製作出專屬於他們的玩具。在接下來的這篇文章,將由「一開始設計的概念與背景」、「在設計過程中我遇到的問題」以及「我在過程中學到了什麼?」依序紀錄我們的製作過程。





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  • olivia-reflection-on-the-daguang-toy-design-process.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:03
  • by olivia.wang