
Olivia Wang's goals for this semester

What are my personal goals for this semester? Why have I chosen these goals? How can I measure my progress towards these goals?

My goal for this semester is to improve my Artistic skills. In this semester I want to learn more about how to design a picture and how to choose and match the colors, because last semester I found that I'm very interested in designing pictures and making models, so this semester I want to learn more and do a better job. I can make a preliminary measurement by my own standards, and ask the teachers and others for their opinions to measure whether I am making progress.

Olivia Wang's thoughts about "Mercy Mercy Me"

1. What do the lyrics mean?

The lyrics mean that our environment is getting worse. We used to have a good environment but not anymore, because human's factory make a lot of bad things into the ocean and air.

2. What feelings or opinions do your parents have about the song or the lyrics?

After reading the lyrics, my cousin hoped that humans would stop ruining nature and the little animals would die. She felt that the melody of the song gave her a relaxed feeling. She said that usually this kind of topic would make people feel more serious or heavy, but the melody of the song made it relaxing, and it didn’t sound like it was a preached song. Songs and melodies are also easy to remember, so it is easier to imprint in people's minds.

3. What are your feelings about the lyrics?

I think the lyrics of this song are written very simple and easy to understand, so it is easy to resonate, and the way it expresses makes people feel that this singer looks at it from the same perspective as we do, not from a professional. It is easier for me to accept what is expressed in this song.

4. What are your feelings about the music?

I think the issue of this song is very serious, but the melody of the song made me feel relaxed and comfortable.

5. Does the music help to express the meaning of the lyrics? Why or why not? How?

I think because the melody of this song makes people feel comfortable, even if it is actually a song that reminds people to take care of the environment. people would usually listen to it, and when the lyrics combine with the melody. In fact, it is a very persuade and easy to promote song, so before you know it, it has actually played a role in promoting environmental issues, so I think the melody design of this song is very good.

6. Did this song change how I feel about the environment? Why or why not?

This song has not changed my thoughts and feelings about the environment, but it did make me think about the issue of environmental protection again, the harm caused by the human environment, and how we can truly protect the environment. Also I want to be more serious to participate in our class and help the environment that we live in.

Olivia Wang在這學期的目標

這學期我的個人目標是什麼? 為什麼我選擇這個成為我的目標? 我要如何衡量自己是否有在進步?


Olivia Wang對於"Mercy Mercy Me" 的想法


歌詞的意思是我們生活的環境越來越差。我們曾經有一個很好的生活環境,但因為人類的工廠向海洋和空氣中製造了很多不好的東西, 所以導致我們不再擁有那樣美好的環境。

2.我的家長對於 "Mercy Mercy Me" 歌詞及音樂的想法或意見

看完歌詞後,我姐姐希望人類不要再破壞大自然,小動物要死光了。 她覺得歌曲的旋律給她的感覺是輕鬆的,她說平時這種議題會讓人覺得比較嚴肅或沉重,但這首歌的旋律讓這件事情變得比較輕鬆,聽起來並不像宣導的歌,旋律也很容易讓人記住,所以更容易印在人們的腦海裡。

3.我對於"Mercy Mercy Me" 歌詞的想法


4.我對於"Mercy Mercy Me" 音樂的想法




6. 這首歌是否改變了我對環境的看法?為什麼或為什麼沒有


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  • olivia-my-goals-and-thoughts-about-_mercy-mercy-me.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 16:59
  • by olivia.wang