
Things you Rarely Notice

by Olivia Wang

Here is a things you're “rarely noticed”. Until now Mr. Cheng has told we many different kind of environment. He is a professional that work in the environmental protection related groups. We get a lot of information from Mr. Cheng, So today we are going use those information to talk about the things that's always happen in our live, but we're rarely noticed.

Today I will talk about three point about the environment. First I want to talk about the small thing. One day my mom ask about “how to separate the trash?”. This make me start think about. In the normal family, they only have two kind of trash. The trash can be recycle and the trash can't be recycle. So I'm thinking about if people just throw all the recycle trash away. Will somebody separate the trash for us. Like which one is paper, which one is metal, which one is plastics……etc. So I my idea about this situation is, I think if the Taiwan government really wants to help the environment. Then maybe the government should set up a job is only for separate the recycle trash, but if they do that then it will cost a lot of money. So may be they can just establish a stricter rule for how normal people should do for separate the trash that can be recycle.

The second point is, I think the Taiwan government do care about the environment, and they decide to let the people from environmental related organizations to talk to the students, but I think this is not a good and useful way to teach the kids, because they even don't know what you are talking about. I think the good way to teach the kids is let them really go to the place that teacher wants to talk about. And give them some chance to really experience the job of protect the environment. Then they will more enjoy in class and get more experience and idea of the environment.

The third point that I think we should change or improve is, people really like to buy clothes, and I saw many old clothes recycle boxes in Taiwan. But the government didn't tell people that here we have a old clothes recycle boxes. So no one know there is a old clothes recycle boxes, then no one will throw the clothes to that boxes. So I think since we have many old clothes recycle boxes, then should use it. So the government can promote about the resource that we have.

At the end I want tell people. The things we can do is limited. But we still should do our best to protect the place we live, to protect our home. So the things we can do is control yourself, don't create unnecessary garbage, don't makes trouble for other person and the environment. Just be responsible for yourself. We can start at the small things. like take care your own trash, throw them into the correct trash can. And order less delivery food, bring your own tableware when you eat outside. Everybody do a small thing, then it will become a big power. So back to the beginning, we can know. If we always care about and think about things around us, we can get many new discoveries. even it's the things that you saw everyday, but if you use different angle to think about it. You will have new thoughts and feelings about it. So pay more attention to the environment around you and protect them.


by Olivia Wang

到目前為止,來自EQPF的鄭老師已經告訴了我們許多不同的環境種類(自然、人文、人為……),他是一位在環保相關團體中工作的專業人士。 我們從鄭老師那裡得到了很多資訊,所以今天我們將利用這些資訊來討論我們生活中經常發生,但很少被注意到的事情。

首先我想從一些比較小的事開始說起。 有一天,我媽媽問我,我們應該如何「正確的分類垃圾?」這讓我開始思考, 在一般的家庭中,只會將垃圾分成兩種「可以回收以及不能回收」。所以我就在想,如果人們直接把所有可回收垃圾一起丟掉,那麼有人會幫我們把垃圾分類好嗎? 比如哪一種是紙,哪一種是金屬,哪一種是塑料……等等,如果沒有的話,那我們在家裡做的垃圾分類還有用嗎?所以我對這種情況的想法是,我認為台灣政府如果真的想幫助環境,那麼也許政府應該設立一個專門分類回收垃圾的單位,但他們這樣做會花費許多的錢,所以或許他們可以製定更嚴格的規範,去確保人們正確地並有效地分類可回收的垃圾。

第二點,我覺得台灣政府是關心環境的,在台灣的學校每隔一段時間便會有環保組織的人來跟學生宣導愛護環境,但我覺得這不是一個好的教育方式,因為大部分的學生可能對這件事情根本無感,因為即使他們照著老師的話做了,但他們卻感覺不到身邊的環境有什麼有變化,又或者他們甚至不清楚老師在說什麼。 我認為一個好的方式是讓他們真正去體驗老師所說的東西、實際的去感受環境,讓他們有機會真正體驗保護環境的工作。 由此以來他們會在課堂上更容易投入、理解,並對環境有更多的經驗和想法。

第三點我覺得我們應該改變或改進的是,人們真的很喜歡買衣服,在台灣常常看到舊衣回收箱,但實際上,很少人會去使用這些舊衣回收箱,甚至根本不知道它的存在,導致這些舊衣回收箱形同虛設。我想既然我們有那麼多的舊衣服回收箱,那麼我們何不好好有效地利用它? 讓它發揮它的作用。

最後我想告訴人們,我們能做的事情是有限的,但我們仍然應該盡最大努力保護我們居住的地方,保護我們的家園,所以我們能做的就是管理好自己,不製造不必要的垃圾,不要給他人和環境製造麻煩,為自己負責。 我們可以從小事做起,就像照顧好自己的垃圾一樣,把它們扔到正確的垃圾桶裡、少點外賣、外出就餐時自備餐具。每個人都做一件小事,然後它就會變成一股很大的力量。回到開始,我們可以發現,如果我們時常關心和思考身邊的事物,我們就會有很多新的發現,即使是你每天都看到的東西,只要你換個角度去看待,你就會對它有新的想法和感受,所以多注意你周圍的環境並好好保護它們吧。

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:01
  • by olivia.wang