
What is the Environment?

by Olivia Wang

This semester we have a special guest. Mr. Cheng from EQPF Taiwan. He came to our school to share with us many things about the environment. And I think what impresses me most is “What is the environment?” and “The relationship between people and the environment”.

First, “What is the environment?” In the definition of law, the environment is the factor that will affect and be affected by people, but Mr. Zheng divides the environment into three categories, which are nature (animals, plants, Water…), man made (architecture, city, law…), and humanity (historical sites, ruins, culture…).

In the environment, to form an ecosystem, it requires the combination of living things and non-living things. like stones, plants, animals… etc. In an ecosystem, each living thing and non-living things have different roles and functions. like producers, consumers and decomposers, and when they are grouped together, they form a perpetual cycle.

Then, I think the relationship between man and nature is actually inseparable, because people need to rely on the resources that nature gives us, but not many people will seriously think about our relationship with nature. I personally thought that nature and us. It’s like the relationship between the producer and the consumer, but because people are different from other animals, people will create and change the environment to make the environment more comfortable for themselves, which leads to an imbalance of the ecosystem. So people should actually care about and pay attention to the environment more. Like why the apple tree suddenly can't bear fruit? Or why didn't the hen hatch the eggs? If we are willing to find the root of the problem, then we can improve and establish a harmonious relationship with the environment, so that our environment can continue to circulate.

In the end, I hope everyone can pay more attention to the environment, so that the environment can exist in this world for a longer time.


by Olivia Wang

這學期我們有一個特別的客人:來自EQPF Taiwan的鄭老師,他來到我們的學校與我們分享了許多關於「環境」的事情,而我覺得對我最印象深刻的是「什麼是環境?」、「人與環境的關係」。

首先「什麼是環境?」,在法律的定義上, 環境就是會影響到人們,以及會被人影響的因素,不過鄭老師將環境大致歸分為三類,它們分別是自然(動物、植物、水……)、人為(建築、城市、法律……)、人文(古蹟、遺址、文化……)。




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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:00
  • by olivia.wang