
Find the Value in a “Trash” Movie

by Olivia Wang

Recently, a Taiwanese original animation with trash as the main axis was rarely born in Taiwan's film industry. This is also Taiwan's first animated feature film. This film won the Golden Horse Award for Best Animation Feature Film in 2020! Now let's talk about this movie together!

The content of “City Of Lost Things” is about a 16-year-old boy “Leaf” run aways from home and school, go to the street but also get bullying, so he gave up his self. Then he met a plastic bag “Baggy”, Leaf followed Baggy to the “City Of Lost Things” and embarked on a series of adventures with him. In the process, Leaf escaped and gave up, but fortunately, at the end of the story, he successfully found his own value, and embarked on a new life.

The theme of this movie is very novel, and when you see the synopsis of the story, you will be full of curiosity. But after I watched this movie, I was a little disappointed. The whole class watched the movie as a whole, there are very few people who have finished. so let's explore the reasons why the whole class has almost “annihilated”. First, for the role, I think the director entered the plot too quickly. At the beginning of the movie, he explained the background of the character in just three sentences. The character creation was not complete enough to tell the audience enough information about the role. Many times I feel very confused and don't understand why this character feels this way at this moment. The second point is that I think there are many novel and interesting ideas in this movie that I want to show the audience, but all these ideas just clicks then stop. They did not continue to support the same point, so in fact, the impression left to the audience is not profound. The third point is that the ending of the movie disappointed me a bit. The whole movie is about the story of the protagonist's final Nirvana rebirth after going through many difficulties together. But in the end, the plastic bag is still a plastic bag. The only difference is there are add some flowers on the plastic bag. which makes me feel that everything the protagonists have done before is meaningless, and that they have done so many things but just staying in the same place.

In view of the above three points. first, entering the plot directly before the audience has a sufficient understanding of the character will make the audience confused about the emotions and reactions shown by the character, and the audience will not be able to resonate with the story. Before entering the main storyline, first add some small events to let the audience to understand the protagonist’s personality and behavior style, beliefs, etc. Then the audience can better understand the protagonist's behavior and mood, and then resonate. Next point, this movie have many interesting and thought-provoking point, but each of them is just superficial, so that the audience is not impressed. I think if you want to impress the audience In the story, you can repeatedly mention the same point, and let the plot revolve around these points, and use the plot to make the audience remember what you want to express. I personally think that making golden sentences is indeed a simple and powerful way, but if it's only show the expressed in golden sentences, and the heat is not enough and not impressive enough, then the movie will become unremembered. At the end, the part where the ending is scribbled. I feel that everything the protagonist did before is meaningless. I think the ending of the movie is definitely one of the most important part in the whole movie. At the end, give the audience a satisfactory answer , An impressive ending is of the utmost importance. When the screenwriter arranges the ending, if the person spends more time thinking about it and clearly expresses to the audience what he/she wants to convey to the audience, he/she will make this movie more valuable.

Anyway, the conclusion is that when we're create anything, we should all give them some kind of meaning. When a thing don't have any meaning to any person, then it really become a trash.


by Olivia Wang






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:02
  • by olivia.wang