
Who's Job is environmental Protection

english version

Since we only have one Earth and one planet to allow us to breathe properly, we should protect it, not hurt it. If we love the planet, we have the potential to keep it alive for another 80 years. But if we don't stay in good shape, the planet will and may be destroyed in the next 10 years or less.

We generate more than 21 billion tons of waste every year. That's slightly more than 52.5 million baseball fields. That could be the whole of Taiwan or more garbage. This garbage gets burned and causes air pollution, the air goes all the way into our stomachs and we die because it's poisonous.

If you dump your garbage into the lake today, and we get water from the lake, what if people in poor countries drink it? What if they can't filter them? What if they die after drinking it? People around us only consider their own convenience, not those around us. If they continue to think this way, the Earth could be destroyed in ten years.

The Taoyuan government decided to build a power station next to the ocean with tons of living algae reefs. In December, citizens will vote on whether it should be built. It will be a public vote, so all people from all over Taiwan can vote.

I personally think we are selfish to the planet. If Earth had feelings, it might already be bombarding us and making us suffer. So we absolutely need to protect our environment and the planet.

chinese version

既然我們只有一顆地球一顆行星可以讓我們正常呼吸,我們應該保護它,而不是傷害它。如果我們愛護地球,我們就有可能讓地球再活80年。但是,如果我們不保持良好狀態,地球將會並且可能會在未來 10 年或更短的時間內毀滅。

我們每年產生的垃圾量超過 210 億噸垃圾。這比 5250 萬個棒球場略多。那可能是整個台灣或更多的垃圾。這些垃圾被燃燒並造成空氣污染,空氣一直進入我們的胃,我們會死,因為它有毒。


桃園政府決定在擁有數噸活藻礁的海洋旁建造發電站。今年 12 月,公民將投票決定是否應該建造它。這將是一個公眾投票,所以所有來自台灣各地的人都可以投票。


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  • larissa-kuo-whos-job-is_environmental-protection.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:28
  • by yiler.huang