
the Referendum

english version

Taoyuan Algae Reef is the largest plant reef-building area in Taiwan. It is 27 kilometers from south to north. The algae reef is exposed at low tide. There are many fish, shrimp, and shellfish in large and small tide pools. Local residents will use natural The tide pool is used as a Shihu, and every time the tide rises and falls, they can get a full harvest. In 2009, National Taiwan University professor Dai Changfeng published a research report on algae reefs. The data showed that the earliest forms of Taoyuan algae reefs were about 7,500 years old. However, the algae reefs, which are of great natural heritage value, have been destroyed in recent years and only a small part of them is still showing signs of growth.

In Taoyuan County’s densely populated industrial areas and the situation where wastewater discharge was not well controlled or even illegally discharged, the precious algae reefs were dying. In addition, in 1996, China Petroleum Corporation buried the oil pipes to cut the algae reefs, and the Yadong Group’s accident occurred again. Excavation of temporary wharf in Guanyin algae reef area to transport equipment. Although it was announced in 2014 that a total length of about six kilometers from Xiaofanli Creek to Xinwu Creek was listed as a wildlife sanctuary, it did not actively and effectively monitor the emissions from the upstream industrial areas in the area, and only made a symbolic announcement, which is really impressive. Worry for the algae reef.

Pan Zhongzheng, the convener of the Datan Algae Reef Action Coalition, has been monitoring the algae reef ecology for a long time and has made more efforts to communicate with the government against unscrupulous manufacturers. Without the positive support of the county government, he has repeatedly launched protests and asked the legislators for the algae reef. , Hold a press conference, hoping to arouse the solidarity of the people in Taiwan through the power of mass media. For this reason, the Wilderness Conservation Association supports the Action Coalition for the Rescue of the Datan Algae Reef to organize the “please for the algae reef” hiking and beach cleaning activities and launches one person, one letter into the presidential palace, so that the people all over the country can see that we are working hard for the survival of the algae reef and look forward to it. As everyone worked hard, they could see the algae reefs coming back to life.

chinese version

桃園藻礁是台灣最大的植物礁建造區。南北長27公里。藻礁在退潮時露出。大大小小的潮池裡有很多魚、蝦、貝類。當地居民將天然的潮池用作石湖,每次漲潮落潮,都能獲得豐收。 2009年,台大教授戴長峰發表了關於藻礁的研究報告。資料顯示,桃園藻礁的最早形式大約有7500年的歷史。然而,具有巨大自然遺產價值的藻礁近年來遭到破壞,只有一小部分仍顯示出增長跡象。


大灘藻礁行動聯盟召集人潘中正長期關注藻礁生態,加大與政府溝通力度,打擊無良廠商。在沒有縣政府積極支持的情況下,他多次發起抗議,向立法者提出藻礁問題。 ,召開記者會,希望通過大眾傳媒的力量,喚起台灣人民的團結。為此,荒野保護協會支持大灘藻礁救援行動聯盟組織“請為藻礁”徒步和沙灘清潔活動,發起一人一封信走進總統府,全國人民都能看到我們在為藻礁的生存而努力,並期待著。隨著大家的努力,他們可以看到藻礁恢復生機。

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  • larissa-kuo-the-referendum.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:29
  • by yiler.huang