
Science Writing

english version

Do you know that the famous scientist Albert Einstein isn't actually smart? But he studies and discovered so much scientific knowledge that we are using his findings as a lesson. So now you know how learning science can make you look so cool around anyone when you tell them about scientific facts. So let's see some assignments and my class did throughout the past semester!

We do experiments once in two weeks. And each week our topic is different, it could be about fruit energy, or water energy, or plastic with heat. Each class we will be given a worksheet that contains all of our experiments for the class. After each experiment, we will have to put our findings in each section. We also have a notebook to write new vocabularies we learned in that class, also write all the procedures for the experiments, materials, and also a conclusion. Let's look at some experiments we did.

Let me share with you my favorite lab experiment. We did an experiment at the beginning of October, it was about heating plastics! To be specific, our topic that day was “Plastic Measures”, we get a piece of plastic and we get to cut it into our favorite shapes, we then draw our small designs on the piece of plastic. After the designing part is done, we grab a hot air dryer that can form heat that is higher than 100 degrees. You then face the dyer on your plastic until it shrinks to a very tiny size, you will then get your own customized plastic plate drawing! What about what I learned? Let's continue to the next paragraph!

This year's science was especially fun because we actually did it in our own classroom with all those crazy experiments. Each lab can be very different in its own ways, one day we could be learning about energy, the other day we could be learning about food. When each class starts, our science teacher Mark will explain to us how each of the experiments can do, and how we do the experiments. In each lab, we learn a lot of new words, but even though the teacher teaches in Chinese and all of the vocabularies are in Chinese, Scott will always be there to translate them for us, so we can all understand the meaning of the word.

Do you know how can learn science without being smart? All you have to do is change your perspective towards it, try to make it fun so you won't be hating it too much. One of the most important discoveries I made was, doing science is not just sitting in a chair and listening to your teacher lecture you about stuff. But actually doing the experiment will make you feel proud of yourself after discovering something new during the experiment.

chinese version




今年的科學課特別有趣,因為我們實際上是在自己的教室裡用所有那些瘋狂的實驗完成的。每個實驗室都可能以自己的方式非常不同,有一天我們可以學習能量,有一天我們可以學習食物。每節課開始時,我們的科學老師馬克都會給我們講解每一個實驗是如何做的,以及我們是如何做這些實驗的。在每個實驗室,我們學習了很多新單詞,但是即使老師用中文授課,所有的詞彙都是中文的,Scott 會一直在那里為我們翻譯,所以我們都能理解單詞的意思.


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  • larissa-kuo-science-writing.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:30
  • by yiler.huang