
Mr. Cheng's Request to think about the Environment

english version

I am not the kind of person that really focuses on what is around me, I am mostly focused on where I am walking and how I am walking.

What I can remember is when I am going to school, I walk past an auto shop that is always repairing cars. And I always smell the oil smell. And I think that the smell is very bad for humans to be smelling. And in the morning, the MRT is always packed with people, and all you can smell in the morning are clones and perfume, but after school, you smell stinky sweat.

I always feel like a place with people talking is very related to me. I am a very talk-active person and love to talk to people, so whenever. I walk past a crowded area with a lot of people talking I feel so happy for some reason. Having so many people in one place is not the best thing, to be honest. There is a high chance that so many people can get covid. And normally so many people can get some others to feel unsafe around with.

I think the environment around us is not so ok. Pollution and dead corals are happening more and more often. And our environment is in a bad condition, so I hope the earth can get healthier and safer.

I hope people all over Taiwan can be careful enough and stop hurting the environment. If we keep harming the environment, the algae reefs will soon be removed to build a natural gas factory. And those reefs took a long time to form to how it is at the moment, and it is hard to grow back to how it is now.

chinese version






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:28
  • by yiler.huang