
A Plant's Lost Way story

English version

Hi, my name is Bubbly, I am a plastic bottle that was left on the ground of the park. When my owner finished me, he left me on the floor and forgot about me. I am trying to find the way to where I belong and be reused by another person, so please stay with me for my journey! Have u heard of the recycling plant? That’s where I am trying to find my way to, my other bottle friend Posie told me that, she has been there once, and I want to go there too! So let’s go!!

Bubbly starts off on his journey, he wants to get to the plant as soon as possible because he doesn’t want to get thrown away by anyone. The path that he is walking is very dangerous, during the walk in the path, he will meet some very dangerous problems and also very nice people. He also might meet thirst and also hunger during the adventure. *on the way to find the recycling plant*

*Pant* Phew, I’ve been walking for hours now, and I have no sign of the plant! Hey, what’s that? Oh! It’s a sign, it’s telling me where the plant is, lets follow it!

*comes to a two-way cross*

Hmmmmmm, which way should I go? It doesn’t tell me which way to go, ok, let’s go to the right side first, maybe that will bring me there.

*two hours later*

It’s so hot, I don’t have any water with me, that’s ok, I just gotta keep going.

*a bear jumps out of nowhere*


Ahhhhhhhhhhh gets away from me, don’t eat me, I’m still young!

“It’s ok, I won’t eat you, well, I wouldn’t eat plastic anyways.”

Why not eat me? I am standing right in front of you, you wouldn’t eat me?

“ Eating plastic is like eating poison, duh”

Wait, so I am plastic? And I am poison?

“ Ya, what else do you think you are? Your owner gets rid of you, and you end up in two places, the ocean, or the recycling plant.”

Yes! Tell me, where is the recycling plant? Tell me now, please, I’ll do anything you want me to do for you.

“ Hmmmmm, I can’t tell you the exact place, but I can tell you how to get there. How’s that?”

Yes please, tell me now, I really need to get there before some cleaners from the government throw me away!

“Come on in to my house, I’ll show you the map.”

Mr.Bear invited Bubbly to go to his house, while they are talking Bubbly noticed that how does a bear end up in such a city place? He had so many thoughts while looking around the house. He really wanted to ask Mr.Bear a question, but he is afraid that he might make him mad. So he thought of a way to ask,

*as they walk into the bear’s house, Bubbly notices something*

Hey Mr.Bear, can I ask you a question?

“Go ahead, I’m listening”

How did up end up here? There’s no forest nearby, and no one ever comes here.

“I am in danger”

Why? What did u do?

“Hunters, they want us, they want our skin, our head, our everything, I had to leave everything behind to come to this place. My family had died, my parents, my kids, my wife, they are all gone because of those hunters.”

I am so sorry for your loss, you are a very brave bear.

“It’s ok, I never really talked about it to anyone, you are very lucky. Aha! Found it! There, this is a map that my wife gave me before she died, the X is the area you are finding. You have to leave at night, if you leave in the morning, you will be brought to the trash can by some rude people.”

Got it, Mr.Bear! Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

“You can stay here for the night and leave tomorrow night if you don’t mind, the couch is all yours!”

Thank you very much, sir! *bows*

The very next day, when Bubbly woke up, he heard a sound coming from the kitchen, he walked towards the kitchen, peeked through the door. What he saw was shocking, he saw Mr.Bear sharping a knife, with a little evil laugh, Bubbly fell back with a loud *thud*. Mr.Bear noticed, opened the door, and then…..

“I see that you have seen me doing some stuff in the kitchen”

yes I did *gulp*

“hehe, you know what is going to happen next? I’M GONNA EAT YOU!!!!!!”


The end

Chinese version

大家好,我叫Bubbly,我是在公園地上被丟下的一個塑料瓶。 當我的主人把我喝完時時,他把我留在地板上並忘記了我。 我正在努力尋找我屬於我的地方並被另一個人重新使用我,所以請和我一起旅行! 你聽說過回收廠嗎? 那就是我要找到地方,我的另一個瓶子朋友 Posie 告訴我,她去過那裡一次,我也想去那裡! 所以我走吧!!

Bubbly 開始了他的旅程,他想盡快到達工廠,因為他不想被任何人撿走。 他走的路很危險,在走的過程中,他會遇到一些很危險的問題,也會遇到一些很好的人。 他也可能在冒險過程中遇到口渴和飢餓。











為什麼不吃我? 我就站在你面前,你不吃我嗎?








熊先生邀請 Bubbly 去他家,在他們談話的時候,Bubbly 注意到一隻熊怎麼會出現在這樣一個城市裡?他看著整個屋子,心裡有很多想法。他很想問熊先生一個問題,但又怕惹他生氣。於是他想了個辦法問,

*當他們走進熊的房子時,Bubbly 注意到一些事情*





為什麼? 你做了什麼?



“沒關係,我從來沒有和任何人說過這件事,你很幸運。啊哈!找到了!這是我妻子在她去世前給我的地圖,X 是您正在查找的區域。你必須晚上離開,如果你早上離開,你會被一些粗魯的人帶到垃圾桶。”



先生非常感謝您! *鞠躬*

第二天,Bubbly 醒來的時候,聽到廚房裡傳來聲音,他走到廚房,從門縫裡偷看。他看到的令人震驚的是,他看到熊先生正在磨刀,帶著一點邪惡的笑聲,Bubbly “砰”的一聲跌倒了。熊先生注意到了,打開門,然後……


是的,我看見了 *吞了一大口口水*




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  • larissa-kuo-lost-on-the-way-to-the-recycling-plant.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:27
  • by yiler.huang