
Design Proposal to Support my Design for Second Grade Kids

english version

1. Who is my audience? Who am I talking to? My audience is kids from 2nd grade at 青山 in

2. What do I want them to do? They should be agreeing and discussing our proposal and give out some suggestions while we discuss it.

3. What is the reason that they should do that? If we don’t discuss it, we might have some problems and some disagreements when our design is finished. That will take us more time to redo the design, so it will be better if we do the discussion all at once.

4. What is the reason that is true?

- not sharp - colorful - unique We think that our design shouldn’t be sharp because they are little kids and they definitely suck at controlling themselves so it can’t be something sharp. If we give them something that is unique but the colors are so boring, they for sure wouldn’t want to use it. So if we use some interesting color that catches their eye, they would probably like it. And also, you have such a colorful design, but the design itself is so common and so plain, they can buy it anywhere, they would not need to buy it from us. So being unique from others is a very important thing.

5. Why is this important to them? If we don’t put these constraints into our design, it can be very dangerous to the kids and it might be disappointing to them that we made something that is plain and common.

6. What is the reason that they should listen to me? If they don’t listen to me or my teammates, there will be a lot of problems between the communication of us and them. And if they don’t listen, the kids could end up blaming us for not making what they want or making us make another design that they like.

7. How can I get their attention so that they listen/read/look at what I'm presenting? At least make it a fun thing to do, like maybe we can our presentation a game and we can tell them to listen carefully and whoever gets the answer we asked correctly we can give them candy the time we see them. (which might not be possible)

8. What can the audience do immediately? Agree and accept our design, find out what is interesting about it, and also how unique and uncommon it is.

9. How can I remind the audience of what we've discussed and make them feel my ending is very solid and convincing? They can show off and brag to their friends about what they don’t have, play and share it with their friends, and also have a good time with their toy and enjoy it!

chinese version

1. 誰是我的聽眾?我在和誰說話? 我的聽眾是青山二年級的孩子

2. 我希望他們做什麼? 他們應該同意並討論我們的提議,並在我們討論時提出一些建議。

3. 他們應該這樣做的原因是什麼? 如果我們不討論它,當我們的設計完成時,我們可能會遇到一些問題和一些分歧。這將花費我們更多的時間來重做設計,所以如果我們一次進行所有討論會更好。

4. 這是真的原因是什麼?

- 不鋒利 - 豐富多彩的 - 獨特的 我們認為我們的設計不應該是尖銳的,因為他們是小孩子,而且他們在控制自己方面肯定很爛,所以它不可能是尖銳的。如果我們給他們一些獨特但顏色很無聊的東西,他們肯定不想使用它。因此,如果我們使用一些吸引他們眼球的有趣顏色,他們可能會喜歡它。而且,你有這麼多色彩的設計,但是設計本身就是那麼普通,那麼樸素,他們可以在任何地方買到,他們不需要從我們這裡購買。所以與眾不同是非常重要的事情。

5. 為什麼這對他們很重要? 如果我們不將這些限制納入我們的設計,這對孩子們來說可能是非常危險的,並且可能會讓他們感到失望,因為我們做了一些簡單而普通的東西。

6. 他們應該聽我的理由是什麼? 如果他們不聽我或我的隊友的話,我們和他們的溝通就會出現很多問題。如果他們不聽,孩子們最終可能會指責我們沒有做出他們想要的東西或讓我們做出他們喜歡的另一個設計。

7. 我怎樣才能引起他們的注意,以便他們聽/讀/看我正在展示的內容? 至少讓它成為一件有趣的事情,就像我們可以展示一個遊戲,我們可以告訴他們仔細聆聽,無論誰得到我們正確詢問的答案,我們可以在我們看到他們的時候給他們糖果。 (這可能是不可能的)

8. 觀眾可以立即做什麼? 同意並接受我們的設計,找出它的有趣之處,以及它的獨特性和不尋常性。

9. 我怎樣才能讓觀眾想起我們討論過的內容,讓他們覺得我的結局很紮實,很有說服力? 他們可以向他們的朋友炫耀和吹噓他們沒有的東西,與他們的朋友一起玩耍和分享,還可以和他們的玩具一起玩得開心,享受它!

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  • larissa-kuo-design-proposal-to-support-my-design-for-second-grade-kids.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:27
  • by yiler.huang